Hello Rotators, hello everyone. I would like to know if you saved the state of the server during this period and if you could release it.
For me it was the best fonline period. I think it had around 400-500 players... I don't know the exact year or months but I remember two major sessions. I will try to give you many details so you can know more accurately the sources from what period I am looking for.
*One where you could take all drugs twice, wasn't able to zoom in or zoom out. Of course no bindings for super stimpaks, aiming etc. Maximum level 21 !!!
*A little bit after one where you could take drugs only one time, I remember that the NCR map was not enlarged at this time. NCR was very populated ! Stealing was very used, we were able to steal BoS patrols. We were able to loot from BoS vs Mutants encounters. Maximum HPs were around 250 ! Starting HPs on a new character were around 30. Maximum level 21 !!! You still needed 3 charisma to talk to traders and most NPCs and to carry 2 players. 21 level build system.
Cooldown on crafting, cooldown to change characters (3 minutes) You could not add players to your tent after it was created.
Devs/Game masters tested people connected on same ip adress to see if they were multi logging or if it was just different players playing at the same place !
Rusty the GM had fun jumping in frog at NCR from time to time instead of managing the server (sorry Rusty). A player named "Larry Rotgut" used to afk in NCR 24/7. Awareness took a perk slot. Brotherhoood armor was the best armor you could craft/obtain normally and not CAmk2. You could win caps by putting them into FLCs banks with interests ( I remember the day when you stopped this and I lost 6 millions, now I don't trust banks irl)
PS : I don't think Hinkley existed during that time.
Period I am NOT interested in : Enlarged NCR, helmets, LSW nerf, Gatling laser buff (aka 666 crit one shot), M60 walking, Increased starting and max HPs, fast relog waves in PvP ( fast relog allowed), rollbacks period/slow server, maximum level 24, TC reputation system,
I can be wrong about the year since it was long time ago and I only use my memory but I really hope these states of the server is not LOST...