In 2013, the source code for FOnline: 2238 was released to the public. After years of toil, the developers could carry it no longer. But in passing on the legacy, they also passed on a curse...
So, there's a legal clusterfuck right now. And I'm not talking about the usage of Bethesda-owned trademarks, or the usage of Fallout 2 assets... I'm referring to the Angelscript code that makes up FOnline:2238 and all its descendants.
See, when 2238's source code was posted, it was not posted with a license. No license, no right to fork. Legally, all that could be done was simple viewing of the code. That did not prevent development of Reloaded, which also posted source code (they assumed that 2238 was under a restrictive copyleft license).
However, the fork that is FOnline Forever (forked from Reloaded) has not posted source code, nor has FOnline Aftertimes (also a Reloaded fork).
So yeah. Legal licensing clusterfuck.