Author Topic: Would Anyone Be Interested in a Small project called: Fallout Ultimate Online?  (Read 4337 times)

So Me and a few friends were hoping to make our own Fallout Online that would be mostly friends but everyone's welcomed.
And im aware  there is a tutorial for setting up stuff but i was hoping a few people would be interested in the project ill layout a little info and see if anyone's interested.

Fallout Ultimate Online:

Uses Fallout tactic Sprites and animations and textures. aswell as a Redux Pack For FO1 And FO2 i created that makes FO1 and FO2 look far more HD and nearly close to tactics in some ways.
the Using tactics Characters and sprites is just a thought if possible.

Skill Points given: 31
To divide amongst your special skills.

Quick Example of something:

If a Player has Agility 1 and Strength 1 These are what there HP would be below per Endurance Level.
Endurance 1  -   50HP   | -
Endurance 2  -   55HP   | -
Endurance 3  -   65HP   | -
Endurance 4  -   75HP   | -
Endurance 5  -   85HP   | -
Endurance 6  -   95HP   | -
Endurance 7  -   100HP   | -
Endurance 8  -   110HP   | -
Endurance 9  -   125HP   | -
Endurance 10  - 140HP   | -

The plan is to have Endurance Be the main thing deciding HP which is already a thing but we would like Strength and Agility to play factors into those with minor roles in a Polynomial equation

In tactics it is possible to be on ledges and etc and there's similar settings in Fo1 and Fo2 but you really can't jump or fall and it would nice to add this as an action if your on a cliff you can choose to jump down it to escape depending on its height.

Carry Weight
 meeting the minimum
Strength requirements on weapons -Accuracy with melee weapons is based on your requirement per tool.
Physical melee Dmg
Effects Fall Damage Received in the game.
Melee Weapons skill,
Carry Weight,
Melee damage bonus,
lumberjack (cutting wood)

Distance Your Chatbox/radio hears noise from npcs and players. (will be used similarly to FO3 compass) tho we plan to include something similar.
Distance your VAT’s can Lock onto a player.
Distance and accuracy with throwing weapons.
Distance players are visible
And Energy Weapons skills
And Throwing weapons.
Survival skill

Affects how Far a player can Sprint [Stamina]
Affects how long a player can hold their breath under water, in a gas, or etc/ suffocation.
Effects How Much HP (Health) You have.
Main Modifier to Hit Points, Poison & Radiation resistance
(but not damage resistance)
and Big Guns skill and Unarmed Skill, and survival skill.

Having Charisma 1 Gives access to the “Loner Perk”
Having a 3 or below charisma will cause some NPC’s To say to you “Huh you don't talk much do you?” or other quotes.
Having a Charisma 8+ Will have NPC’s sometimes say notable quotes to you about how you have a way with words.
Charisma is mostly unchanged at all in our server.
Having Charisma 10 gives you access to the "Cult Personality" perk.
Barter Skill.
Speech Skill.
NPC Disposition.
Companion Nerve. [Nerve Bend perk] Have 2 or below human companions with no dog or robot (those count against this and wont give the temp perk)
Faction Moral. [when in a faction and the faction platoons it gives a Boost to some stats similar to squad quad perk but in diffrent ways]
Squad Quad perk (being in a platoon with 4 or more players gives this perk.
^Will be expanded upon in the faction area but not here in this doc today. ^

Players with Intelligence below 3 May be ignored by NPC’s who have a private tag of [snob] and all shops whether player or npc will have a 17% price increase per item if your intelligence is below 3!
Some NPC’s will ignore you or make fun of you or plain attack you in rare cases if your intelligence is below 3!
Having an Intelligence above 9, Some NPC’s will praise your speech and your etiquette in rare cases.
-skill mostly works the same as default game.
Medicine, - healing ones self.
Medic, - healing others
and Science skills,
Farming skill,
 as well as the number of new skill points per level.
Intelligence determines the number of skill points earned per level up.

Agility affects Player's HP Regen.
Agility affects Players Walk Speed
affects players item switch speed and how fast they bring the weapons up.
affects players sprint speed.
Higher Agility Means you USE More Stamina but cover more ground(land area) than the average player at the cost you get tired faster.
^having a balanced agility and Endurance to balance each other helps a lot.
Agility Comes after Strength when it comes to attack speed with melee weapons.
Agility Builds upon Strength for melee weapons. But if there isnt a str requirement for a tool or weapon agility becomes the MAIN Skill for the items speed of use for you.

Higher Agility Means You Use Your Action Points(Stamina) Better and more proficiently (you use less AP Per Move using VATS = you can make more skill moves.
Action points Usage.
^ In Vats
Small Guns
Sneak Skill
Lock Picking
Reload speeds on guns.

-luck is completely unchanged.
Most of the above im sure seems mostly the same.
But a lot of it has minor changes and its rate of usage will be different even.

Combat Skills are:
Big Guns -effects large melee weapons & large guns.
Small Guns -effects smaller melee weapons. [switch blade etc]
Energy Weapons
Throwing Weapons
Melee -Despite big guns and small guns do on the larger and smaller melee weapons melee skill will always be primary but those effect the tools still

Active Skills:
PickPocketing - stealing is divided evenly between these two skills now.
Survival (Includes trap making, disarming traps, tho science helps, and making make shift needs Same as -FO:NV

Passive Skills:
Gambling - Casino's! Reno is waiting! :D
Speech - same as before but also relies on dice roles but luck will always be second like in FO3/FO4
Farming - Helps the amount of produce you get, and the chances of a crop surviving the season.
Mining - slightly useless as mines are overrun with toxic and dangerous mutants but sometimes if far from a city this can be useful.
LumberJack - slightly useless but helps break trees faster most trees are rotten wood but the dying trees look similar..
Scavenging -mostly based on luck but also on perception and agility.

Skills are more evening divided with 7 8 7 for each skill types that are available to choose from.
Humans - Get Perks Every level.  - stop getting perks after lvl 55
Ghouls - Get perks every 2 levels. - stop getting perks after lvl 48
Super mutants every 4 levels   - stop getting perks after lvl 31
Cybernetic life forms etc get perks every 3 levels. - stop getting perks after lvl 24

Players can choose their race to be at the cost perks received.

Anyone interesting would be of great gratitude!

You are talking about tactics' assets and you don't mention using FOnline engine for your project.
Does it mean you are doing your own engine for it?

I'm asking because I'm working on a Unity3D engine with Fallout tactics assets, with multiplayer.

I'm only focused on the technical parts, so no gameplay ideas or design stuff like your post.
PM me if you want more info, we might help each other out.

I would love to make my own engine i read somewhere that the FOnline engine support tactics assets and figured it be best to put them to use that way.

id like to have a Mod launcher that would check if the user owned: FO1, FO2, FO;tactics and then merged them all and then uploaded our own assests and etc to the game launcher and then they could join for free.

There are some issues using both tactics and FO1/2 assets together.
Ground tiles don't have the same shape, and tactics have 8 directions that do not match perfectly to 6 directions of FO for characters.

But the scenary objects (tables/trees/...) are usable together very well.

Hmmm interesting can we talk about this in dm's i did dm you sir.

Dude, I remember your project. How is it going? Can you tell us more about progress?

Dude, I remember your project. How is it going? Can you tell us more about progress?

Not much news, but I'm still working on it.

My latest idea was to run it on my android phone:

I got the main menu working, I need a sd card to put the assets on it and test the ingame perf.
No idea how the controls will work though.

It looks cool. Keep going man.

Nugent, please no mobile :< that is what cvet did and doing so causing crash and burning.