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Vault-Tec Tactical Assistant
FOnline2 version not working. :'(
Using this on Reloaded will get you banned for sure.
On another FOnline forum people were suspicious there might be viruses in my release.
There are none. I'm a pretty experienced computer user and I try to make sure that my system is clean. I'm operating from Debian most of the time anyway. So these packages are not infected 99,999%.
If you are so paranoic though, you can simply get the source code and compile it yourself.
--- Quote from: kompreSor on September 28, 2016, 11:10:04 pm ---i hope so they will counter it.
--- End quote ---
Well perma banning + IP ban is one way :D
Looks like no more playing Yuno for me or khans mass report xD
--- Quote from: jack555 on September 28, 2016, 10:16:14 pm ---What advantage is a mode if everyone has it? Oh yeah, the guy with better ping will get the advantage. Awesome - Thanks !
/End sarcasm
--- End quote ---
Thanks for releasing the source code with notatki.txt.
Interesting, fodev became the place to go if you want to publish FOnline cheats? ;D
I don't really mind though, technology is neither good nor bad... what matters is how you use it...
Besides if you create a game where what matters the most is who one-hexes first, then this is what you get.
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