Author Topic: [2238/Reloaded SDK] Optimization for "offline" usage.  (Read 2704 times)

[2238/Reloaded SDK] Optimization for "offline" usage.
« on: September 14, 2016, 12:51:15 pm »
I'm curious if is some way to optimize using the SDK via localhost (client and server on same pc). I would glad to read some tips how to disable some useless scripts and functions, changing config and stuff like that to improve performance, but not brake playable core of game. Probably using SDK as "offline" game no need a lot of internet connected functions, players control tools and such, also some scripts can be using a bit different than usually. Question is how to.

Offline Wipe

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Re: [2238/Reloaded SDK] Optimization for "offline" usage.
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2016, 02:33:55 am »
There's nothing in scripts/extensions using internet connection. You can disable logging, scrap some locations, etc, but in general it's a closed system and any data from/to outside (VTDB, IRC) is file-based and require external tools to handle them.
Games are meant to be created, not played...