Other > Closed suggestions

repairing system from FO3

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In addition to current repairing why don't we add some similarities from FO3 repairing. This means that we could use similar weapons to repair our broken ones. But instead of the exactly same gun required, only same kind of gun would be needed to repair a gun.

People who aren't familiar with fallout 3's repairing, read forward: when your gun is broken, you can salvage parts from similar guns and put them in your broken gun, increasing its condition. Having a good repair would be required to be able to repair effectively.

But in our case it would go like this:

All smgs fix other smgs.
All pistols fix other pistols.
All rifles fix other rifles.

This would make the "junk" weapons useful because people would buy and salvage lower tier weapons to fix their higher tier weapons. No gun would be totally useless.

decent suggestion, but just naming FO3 in here is a death sentence for any suggestion

I'm just waiting for the rabid hordes of "OMG FO3 IS SHIT" right now, this should be entertaining to see

but still. actually good suggestion

This would also remove the merry-go-round of repairing a gun from 80% to 20% just to fuck up few times and end up with overall improvement of 10% with 15 minutes spent.

In short, "Thumbs up for this one".  :P

Not really - If you are good at repair and know what's what, you can repair your guns the right way.

Anyways - I would rather suggest something like this:

To repair a gun you need junk OR other gun. Depending on how much you would use on it, you have higher % of succes (but you cant reach 100% just using up a lot of junk/guns).

That way it makes sense - you need to repair a gun, you can use parts from the other one or make/find some from junk. The better at repair you are, he easier it is, but if you have a lot of shit to use up, its easier to find fitting part.

Something like this. Then again- i just wrote it without thinking much.


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