Configuration: Debug Win32
Debug configuration was broken from what i remember helping Reloaded guys; i think some paths was either wrongly set or totally missing - check if they're the same as in Release and correct if needed. Or simly switch to using Release which should be working correctly.
Most important paths are StlPort [must be always first] and AngelScript, everything else is up to you and your project structure.
With /MD I have this
With /MT I have this
Do not change that option,
ever - it must be set to whatever it is in 2238 repo [i think MT, but don't trust my memory and recheck it on clean repo]. There was some
bad shit happening if you used different setting, but details are long lost in Rotators IRC channel... Maybe Atom could provide you some details, as he was investigating it back in days, but he's long lost too

Anyway, consensus was - use same option for all projects and never change it. If your code goes crazy on used setting but work on the other one, you must correct the code.