Author Topic: "Skipping" Character creation  (Read 3216 times)

Offline Rikers

  • pixel nazi
"Skipping" Character creation
« on: May 21, 2015, 03:28:28 am »
As in topic, is this possible? To be exact, can you define the character stats/perks/name/age whatever and use that exact character when starting the game? (Obviously this is meant for single/solo gameplay)

Re: "Skipping" Character creation
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2015, 12:33:55 am »
you dont need create new character every time when you start play, just run server, login and continue game.

Offline Rikers

  • pixel nazi
Re: "Skipping" Character creation
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2015, 01:27:12 am »
Hmm, maybe I wasn't exactly precise... The thing is, I want to, force the player to use a predefined one - (separating login nick from @pname would be ideal, dunno if that's possible tho) so starting a new game would just mean a single click and voila, the player spawns in start location.

Offline Wipe

  • Rotator
  • Random is god
Re: "Skipping" Character creation
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2015, 08:14:14 am »
First part [registering] is easily doable in newer SDK - you'll need at least version which have registration screen moved to scripts, as it also exposes required stuff.

Second should be doable as well, there was option to change on-head name in 2238 using lexems [search for "$@" in scripts]; changing CritterCl::NameOnHead, just like 'name colorizing' does, would be even simpler but would work only in SP.
Now for removing name completly from registration:
Singleplayer: you just send string with name and/or use NameOnHead, no magick here; boooriiing :P
Multiplayer: i'd try with changing name argument in player_register() to something unique, like critter id and in critter_init(), if firstTime is true, set name-lexem basing on which preset player selected [client needs to send such info as param]. I'm not sure if player_register() works how i assumed [can't check source now] so it may become a problem.

Setting critter params can be done in client or server, your choice. I'd personally make shared .fos with data, use client only for display and set everything on server [critter_init() + firstTime again] but that's just me thinking multiplayer and preventing possible hacks, it may be pointless for you ;)
Games are meant to be created, not played...

Offline Rikers

  • pixel nazi
Re: "Skipping" Character creation
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2015, 09:08:24 am »
Thankee! Yeah, it's intended for single player only.