Author Topic: FOnline Forever [Your opinion matters!]  (Read 57461 times)

FOnline Forever [Your opinion matters!]
« on: July 01, 2014, 12:58:42 pm »
Hello :)
Yes, I know there is couple very advanced mods based on 2238 source, but I decided to start making not so modified mod.
Since you all need to admit ol' good 2238 was fun until it lasted.

So I'm starting new server. It's basicly default FO 2238 at the beginning.
Some minor changes are done already, and future plans includes example these things:

-Craftable skill implants, example head implant that rises your Small Guns skill by 10%. (implants have "tier" levels, so tier 1 is +10% and tier 2 is 20% and so on...)
-More craftable items with some special features. (About these items we can talk at the IRC channel)
-More missions/quests. (Always nice to have more solo material too)

I will developed this server much based to the community requests.

Developers so far, Me.
IRC: #fonlinef @ quakenet (website home page includes easy to use webirc inferface also).

-Ravenis FOnline Forever Owner/Developer
« Last Edit: July 01, 2014, 02:59:06 pm by Ravenis »

Re: FOnline Forever [Your opinion matters!]
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2014, 10:58:40 am »
Sorry man but there is already FOnline Reloaded which has a lot of fixes, improves and it is develop by amazing devs, Kilgore and cubik. I suggest you join this team and focus on one server than creating a next 2238 clone with small changes - similar with tla clones. There are too many servers and too little players in this community. That is my opinion.

Re: FOnline Forever [Your opinion matters!]
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2014, 12:02:35 pm »
Yes, I know there is couple very advanced mods based on 2238 source, but I decided to start making not so modified mod.

Like I said, I know that. But I have good chance to get decent playerbase too.

I know many people who doesn't like Reloaded also.

-Ravenis FOnline Forever Owner/Developer

Re: FOnline Forever [Your opinion matters!]
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2014, 03:45:29 pm »
I think there have been at least 2 similar projects and they both disbanded soon after they started.

What people maybe have forgotten is that even 2238 had times in early-mid 2011 with an average online count of 10, and that was not because it was a whole different game back then. Simply because the 2238 forum had 917 people online at the same time at some point doesn't mean that hosting their server in itself will generate hundreds of players. Not even dozens.

While I'm still of the opinion that 2238 could be worked into a very enjoyable pvp game in just a couple of weeks without requiring any scripting knowledge, you have to realize that your project has to compete with at least fonline 2 and reloaded. As I see it, there are 2 general ways to go about it; you can either work on content or work on mechanics (or both). The typical "2238 with fixes" approach has already failed as there is no reason for players to come back to it. If you don't set your server apart from reloaded and fo2 by fundamentally changing the mechanics, you would require a big enough devteam to add enough content to compensate. In that case, you would also probably lose against tlamk2.

Anyway, this is enough of a rant already and I have no interest in stopping you from doing your own thing. I simply can't understand your reasoning and I guess I'm kinda trying to save you from your own misery when, in a couple of months, "the community" will be at fault for your project not working out.

Re: FOnline Forever [Your opinion matters!]
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2014, 07:34:21 pm »
I don't really care much about that comment tbh :) I have coded and kept different game servers for about 12y now, and it's a hobby of mine.

If I can't get players in here, it wont put me in misery.

Lets keep this forum clear of the comments like that, it doesn't benefit anyone.

-Ravenis FOnline Forever Owner/Developer

Re: FOnline Forever [Your opinion matters!]
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2014, 09:02:52 pm »
FOnline Forever [Your opinion matters!]

We only wrote our opinions as you asked, so I think if it will be more interesting if you will develop single player version with storyline such as Van Buren (I can not wait to play this game). I think we do not need to next server but it is your vision and game so do what you want. Good luck.


  • Guest
Re: FOnline Forever [Your opinion matters!]
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2014, 09:06:07 pm »
even 2238 had times in early-mid 2011 with an average online count of 10

BS, in early-mid 2011 it was about 140 players on average not 10. And even in June 2012, which is what you probably meant, average count of clients connected was 47, which roughly means 35 real players online on average according to alt stats I was collecting later. So yea, not too many but not 10 for fucks sake (and the main reason I think was that the server was crashing every hour with 15-30 min. rollbacks, as soon as it was solved the numbers went up).
« Last Edit: July 02, 2014, 09:27:14 pm by b__B »

Re: FOnline Forever [Your opinion matters!]
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2014, 07:52:31 am »
We only wrote our opinions as you asked, so I think if it will be more interesting if you will develop single player version with storyline such as Van Buren (I can not wait to play this game). I think we do not need to next server but it is your vision and game so do what you want. Good luck.

I didn't mean pointless opinions like you two made, i said i will modify and make things to server what players wants and suggest.

Forums are up at website too now
« Last Edit: July 03, 2014, 01:50:09 pm by Ravenis »

Re: FOnline Forever [Your opinion matters!]
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2014, 11:44:52 am »
Changes done:

-Much longer barter time.
-Shovelling shit can't make you super rich anymore.
-Removed blueprints.
-Removed relog waiting time.
-Removed Weakness time.
-Lockpicking doesn't have cooldown anymore.
-Obtain more materials from disassembling weapons and armors.
-Easier start, starting kit, leather jacket, mauser 9mm, 40x 9mm ammo and brass knuckles. +60 HP!
-NPC's drop what they carry, including armors.
-Triple XP.
-Permanent death. (Disabled for now)
-Base system for improved versions of weapons when crafting.
-18 New weapons including MP5, M16, Steyr Aug and so on..

Re: FOnline Forever [Your opinion matters!]
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2014, 08:09:23 pm »
Server wiped and ready for testing, new perks are not added yet.

FOnline Forever is very traditional 2238 with some nice new features.
Download the client from and dont forget to add new weapon graphics. Much more info at forums.

I hope we get good amount of players to test.



  • Guest
Re: FOnline Forever [Your opinion matters!]
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2014, 10:57:51 am »
Nice server. At least that's one I can play on my PC, which is refreshing.
I like that I started with mauser and knuckles, good idea to give players a bit more stuff on the start.

It definitely lacks a good starting quest though, available right from start for new characters.
2238 lacked that too, but with so little players in the game it's more obvious.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2014, 11:01:39 am by JovankaB »

Re: FOnline Forever [Your opinion matters!]
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2015, 01:02:57 pm »
Alright, project is continuing.

I personally have limited time cause of my own MMO game project so i have been very busy with that lately, also i had quite shitty year, lots of irl troubles.

But we have good team ready to make maps and designing stuff for the game, idea is still the same, trying to keep server much like original but add more items, crafting etc.
Some new changes are:
-Level Cap is now back to 24.
-Everyone starts game from NCR. (starting quest will be added later).
-Starting gear kit now includes tent also to ease up starting the game.

What's to come:
-Balancing new weapons.
-Rework perks.
-New maps.
-Better crafting.
-New armor and weapon modifications. (example, longer barrel, bigger magazines etc)
-Some other minor things what are now at designing state.

IRC: #fonlinef @ quakenet (website home page includes easy to use webirc inferface also).

-Ravenis FOnline Forever Owner/Developer

Offline kompreSor

  • FOnline 3
Re: FOnline Forever [Your opinion matters!]
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2015, 02:49:08 pm »

Re: FOnline Forever [Your opinion matters!]
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2015, 01:01:02 pm »
Good something new alive.

Re: FOnline Forever [Your opinion matters!]
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2017, 03:06:09 pm »
We’ve died a million times but we are not the walking dead