FOnline Development > Questions and Answers

FOT tank sprite

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Did anyone succeed in making the two separate sprites work together somehow with scripts?
In case you don't remember, there is one SPR for the tank and another one for tank's turret.

Not that I know of. The vehicles in the game are nothing but "scenery" graphics anyway. Can't really be compared with how vehicles worked in Tactics.

If the vehicle doesn't need to drive, then I'd do it this way:

1. Setup the tank body as normal vehicle (fixed graphic, cannot drive).
2. Setup the tank turret as critter.
3. Whenever the body is spawned, spawn the turret at hex position x.

That should give a more or less good effect. Not sure if it's very practical, though.

Yes, that's a good suggestion.

There's one developer at NMA which created an open-source FOT engine.

I will have to check with him if he implemented vehicles. Maybe he could help cvet & rotators ;) to implement driving into the game.

Nice, I would like to see driveable cars in fonline. :D

Not sure if the hex grid is really suited for that, though.


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