Thanks Fonliner

yipe we're still here.
Results of the Vault Tec Power Armour vote!
The winner of the vote was the T-40 closely followed by the T-44 so the Vault Tec Power Armour will be the T-40, designed to be happy and cloy concealing Vault Tec’s (as you already know from the Vault experiments) dark nature. It was pretty close between the T-40 and T-44 as to which would become the Vault Tec Power Armour.
Your favourite Power Armour was the T-44 which will also be in the game as a failed military prototype and designed to be menacing and imposing in appearance.

Your least favourite armour was and pretty much equal in the results the T-39 and the T-41a.
To all those who took part in the vote, thank you we appreciate your opinions and input into this undertaking to design new power armour for the VB project.