Author Topic: I'm making Fallout Van Buren and I have some questions  (Read 10058 times)

Offline Lexx

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Re: I'm making Fallout Van Buren and I have some questions
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2014, 04:03:37 pm »
Sorry, but I really have a hard time believing this. I mean, it isn't like this is the first Fallout 2 mod, and I've heard nothing similar from other Fo2 modders. Also I can't really understand why it is a problem to do this with the Fo2 engine, but not with the FOnline engine. If at all, then the FOnline engine by definition would be a problem for them.

Regarding the other FOnline stuff: Most should be possible to be done in AngelScript, without touching the engine source code. But I personally am not a programmer, I know nothing about the details.

Re: I'm making Fallout Van Buren and I have some questions
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2014, 04:21:08 pm »
Dear Lexx, there is sadly nothing to believe or not to believe here.

This is a direct quote from the e-mail [Incident: 140108-005932] signed by Greg A. from Zenimax:

"Sadly, we do not grant permission to reverse engineer or utilize our engine for other projects."

We contacted them first, to see if they're OK with our modding as they own FO 1 /2 since the beginning of this year. Other FO2 modders are probably "safe" because they never asked for any sort of permission in the first place. Our main writer wanted me to check out the situation so we can all be certain we're not doing a multi-year project for nothing. Luckily, we started recently but I can't image what would happen if this was in late stages of production. I would probably sent someone down the shitter.

I told them we'll switch over to a Fallout-like engine and bid them farewell. I don't expect to hear from them any more.

Can you tell me where is the latest version of FOnline 3D? I've seen multiple repositories here and I am not sure which one to use.

Re: I'm making Fallout Van Buren and I have some questions
« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2014, 04:39:21 pm »
I can PM the emails to anyone interested.

Re: I'm making Fallout Van Buren and I have some questions
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2014, 07:34:29 pm »
Good luck with your project! I hope you will do something interesting for Fallout fans, and perhaps you will create the first singleplayer FOnline mod, apart from Surf Solar's What Remains mod. :)

Re: I'm making Fallout Van Buren and I have some questions
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2014, 11:44:28 pm »
Update! Greg A. from Zenimax replied and he said:

I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be a problem, as the modding scene is absolutely massive and I haven't seen any problems myself. My only caveat is that I can't give you actual permission in case your mod happens to be the first one that gets a cease and desist or something like that. Generally we don't mind fan content as long as it's created with a legit copy of the game, is in good taste, and is not be used for profit.
I hope I didn't send the wrong message to you! It's absolutely awesome that you want to use our engine, we just don't give specific permission to modders to use engines for our older titles.
When you guys get your project finished, please feel free to send it our way! We always love seeing what our fans are up to!
I wish you the best of luck with all of your development endeavors!


Re: I'm making Fallout Van Buren and I have some questions
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2014, 01:21:47 pm »
Well now it's official. We're a FOnline project! I opened our topic here:,29525.0.html

Re: I'm making Fallout Van Buren and I have some questions
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2014, 05:43:01 pm »
It's absolutely awesome that you want to use our engine
Omg. It is kind of sad how freely they are using "our engine" already.
You probably did not explain that your game was a mod in your first letter sufficiently - it seems from the answer that 'Greg' thought it was some stand-alone project on the engine. You should not have had problems if you had released the game without including Fallout 2 files. Anyway, welcome to FOnline community now. :)