UPDATE #4Current team lineup: Kamoho (writer), Vaarna_Aarne (writer), grotsnik (writer), Whisky (writer), Kane Vollstrecker (inventory art), hexer (everything else)
Big announcement for this (unplanned) update! We have been "advised" by Bethesda to stop modding our game in Fallout 2 engine. I know how this might sound but thanks to classic Fallout's awesome modding community our work can carry on. This means that Van Buren will be released as a FOnline game!
This will definitively postpone the project for maybe up to 6 months as I will have to learn how to use their tools and then convert everything already done to FOnline engine. I've already stated my issues with the FOnline engine here but now that I have no choice - I will try my best to resolve them. I'm taking this opportunity to call any knowledgeable FOnline modders to join us or pass on useful advice to me and my team.
On the good side, the new engine allows us to use higher resolution art, 3D monsters, environmental lighting, 16-bit colors instead of 256, more easily implement multiple vehicles and crafting, SPECIAL tweaking, etc.
Since the last update, more work has been done. Most critters for the game have been created, grotsnik and Whisky joined the writing team, Kane made lots of new inventory art, and I've been busy with Boulder Dome maps - lots of new art is being made in order for Dome to feel like a unique area. (This sort of treatment will apply to every location.)