Very nice and useful thing. Actually I needed a tool like that, so thanks for sharing it

I tested it in Photoshop CS2 and I managed to run the scripts, although it requires two small changes in order to make it work:
1. For some weird reason this is syntax error according to CS2:
// @TODO
Removing "@" in all the lines that start with // @TODO fixes it.
2. This is even more weird, in FoFntMaker.jsx file, the line 352:
if(f !== null)
is always false in CS2, resulting in alert("Error opening FOFNT file, nothing saved") even if you choose save.
I suppose there is something wrong with !== operator in CS2 JavaScript engine.
I fixed it by reversing the condition:
if(f === null)
alert("Error opening FOFNT file, nothing saved");
if('w', 'TEXT', '???'))
alert("Could not open file for writing");
alternative solution is to simply change "!==" to "!=".