Author Topic: How to make 3D characters work  (Read 18775 times)

Offline Karpov

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How to make 3D characters work
« on: September 10, 2013, 09:27:14 pm »
How to make 3D characters work

I'm going to explain how to make the characters work properly. Read carefully.

Optional: before we download the files, it's recommended to move the VanBuren3D files that are located in the folders data/art/critters and data/textures into a zip file.
This zip file needs to have the same structure as the data folder. That means you need to have on the file's root a folder named textures, and another one named art, and inside art the folder critters. When we have that file, we can clear those two folders, and place the zip in the client folder. Once the zip is there, we edit the file named DataFiles.cfg, which is located in the same folder, and add a line to it with the name of our zip file.

Getting the files
First we download the files from the repository with a subversion (svn) client, like TortoiseSVN  and we set it to download into client/data folder.
With this URL

If everything goes right, the files should download into data/textures and data/art/critters

Now we edit some game files.
Note: always backup the files you edit. And it is recommended that you test the game after you edit each code inside the scripts.

Enabling the characters.
Once the downloaded files are in the right folders, we need to set them up in the server.
To enable the 3D characters go to the folder server/data/scripts and edit _defines.fos and uncomment this line by erasing those two slashes (//)

Code: [Select]
//#define PLAYERS_3D             // Enable 3d players(Change To)
Code: [Select]
#define PLAYERS_3D             // Enable 3d players
Test. Now the character creation should be 3D. Always erase the cache before you test any change in the scripts.

Setting the new bodytypes.
Next, in the file server/data/CritterTypes.cfg we set up the new body types, replacing the default 3D characters.

Find critter ID 292 (@  292 in the file)
We'll modify number 292, 293, 295, and 296
Change their names (default name "VBMaleStrong") to these:
292 FOMaleStrong
293 FOMaleStrong_Death
295 FoFemaleNormal
296 FoFemaleNormal_Death

Optional: you can set a new number if you want to keep the old 3D models. But be careful with some scripts that use those numbers.

Test. In the character creation, one of the bodytypes should be the new 3D character. If you can't pick the bodytype from the character creation, select a default body and play. Then inside a map, run the command ~run debug body 0 292 1
and the character should render.

Setting up the armors
Next is to set up the armors. To do this, open the file scripts/Client_main.fos, search for the line "void animation3d_process", scroll down until you see
Note: Be careful with this, because there is another line that says "/*switch(armorPid)". That's not the one
Select from "switch(armorPid) to the last time the string "break;" appears (right before // Backpack) and paste this code

Code: [Select]
bodyAtr     = 1;
handsAtr    = 1;

bodyAtr     = 6;

feetAtr     = 6;


bodyAtr     = 0;

bodyAtr     = 0;

                bodyAtr     = 8;
handsAtr    = 8;
                bodyAtr     = 20;
handsAtr    = 20;
bodyAtr     = 10;
handsAtr    = 10;

                bodyAtr     = 2;
handsAtr    = 2;
                bodyAtr     = 3;
handsAtr    = 2;
bodyAtr     = 19;
handsAtr    = 16;

       case 600:
bodyAtr     = 7;
handsAtr    = 7;

                bodyAtr     = 5;
handsAtr    = 5;
                backpackAtr = 3;
                bodyAtr     = 14;
handsAtr    = 5;
                backpackAtr = 3;
                bodyAtr     = 15;
handsAtr    = 5;
                backpackAtr = 3;

bodyAtr     = 16;
handsAtr    = 16;
                backpackAtr = 3;

bodyAtr     = 9;
feetAtr     = 9;

bodyAtr     = 11;
bodyAtr     = ATTRIBUTE_Body_PrisonSuit;
feetAtr     = ATTRIBUTE_Feet_PrisonSuit;
headAtr     = ATTRIBUTE_Head_StrawHat;
bodyAtr     = ATTRIBUTE_Body_PrisonSuit;
feetAtr     = ATTRIBUTE_Feet_PrisonSuit;
headAtr     = ATTRIBUTE_Head_ArmingCap;


IMPORTANT be careful not to erase the closing bracket after "break;" "}"

Test. Use different armors.

Additional Info:
Inside that code, the name of the attributes don't match the ones I used. This is what they actually are:
#    rhandleAtr  = Right Hand
#    lhandleAtr  = Unactive Slot/Holstered weapons
#    handsAtr    = Armor Clothing Layer
#    bodyAtr     = Armor Layer
#    feetAtr     = Headwear Layer
#    headAtr     = Unused/Free
#    eyeAtr      = Eyewear (nothing available yet)
#    shoulderAtr = Custom Pants
#    backAtr     = Custom Shoes
#    backpackAtr = Backpack

Setting up the weapons

Still inside client_main scroll down and find "int GetHandleValue(uint16 pid)"
select from ther to the last bracket (}), right before "#endif" and paste this:
Code: [Select]
int GetHandleValue(uint16 pid)
if(pid == 0 || (pid >= 1000 && pid <=1100)) return 0;
int handle = 0;
return int(pid);

Test. Try different weapons (or items)

Making the Death animations work.

First, find in client_main a line that says "case ACTION_DEAD:"

Select from that line to the last "break;", right before "case ACTION_CONNECT", and paste this.

Code: [Select]

        if( not cr.IsDead() && not cr.IsAnim3d())

            cr.Animate( 0, actionExt );
Message("DEBUG NOTE: 2D critter died. No bodytype switched", FOMB_GAME );           

else if( cr.IsAnim3d())
 switch( actionExt )           
            cr.Animate( 0, actionExt );
Message("DEBUG NOTE: 3D critter died on DEAD_FRONT. No special anim, so bodytype has not changed", FOMB_GAME );

            cr.Animate( 0, actionExt );
Message("DEBUG NOTE: 3D critter died on DEAD_BACK. No special anim, so bodytype has not changed", FOMB_GAME );

if (cr.Stat[ST_GENDER] == 0)
else if (cr.Stat[ST_GENDER] == 1)
Message("DEBUG NOTE: 3D critter died on BLOODY_SINGLE. Bodytype switched to dead model", FOMB_GAME );

if (cr.Stat[ST_GENDER] == 0)
else if (cr.Stat[ST_GENDER] == 1)
Message("DEBUG NOTE: 3D critter died on BLOODY_BURST. Bodytype switched to dead model", FOMB_GAME );

if (cr.Stat[ST_GENDER] == 0)
else if (cr.Stat[ST_GENDER] == 1)
Message("DEBUG NOTE: 3D critter died on BURST. Bodytype switched to dead model", FOMB_GAME );

if (cr.Stat[ST_GENDER] == 0)
else if (cr.Stat[ST_GENDER] == 1)
Message("DEBUG NOTE: 3D critter died on LASER. Bodytype switched to dead model", FOMB_GAME );
if (cr.Stat[ST_GENDER] == 0)
else if (cr.Stat[ST_GENDER] == 1)
Message("DEBUG NOTE: 3D critter died on FUSED (plasma). Bodytype switched to dead model", FOMB_GAME );

            cr.Animate( 0, actionExt );
Message("DEBUG NOTE: 3D critter died on PRONE_FRONT. No bodytype switch needed", FOMB_GAME );

            cr.Animate( 0, actionExt );
Message("DEBUG NOTE: 3D critter died on PRONE_BACK. No bodytype switch needed", FOMB_GAME );

if (cr.Stat[ST_GENDER] == 0) RunServerScriptUnsafe("debug@unsafe_specialdeath",(cr.Id),11,113,null,null);
if (cr.Stat[ST_GENDER] == 1) RunServerScriptUnsafe("debug@unsafe_specialdeath",(cr.Id),5,113,null,null);
Message("DEBUG NOTE: 3D critter died on PULSE. No 3d anim available. Needs switch to 2d and play anim again", FOMB_GAME );

if (cr.Stat[ST_GENDER] == 0) RunServerScriptUnsafe("debug@unsafe_specialdeath",(cr.Id),11,114,null,null);
if (cr.Stat[ST_GENDER] == 1) RunServerScriptUnsafe("debug@unsafe_specialdeath",(cr.Id),5,114,null,null);
Message("DEBUG NOTE: 3D critter died on PULSE_DUST. No 3d anim available. Needs switch to 2d and play anim again", FOMB_GAME );

if (cr.Stat[ST_GENDER] == 0) RunServerScriptUnsafe("debug@unsafe_specialdeath",(cr.Id),12,117,null,null);
if (cr.Stat[ST_GENDER] == 1) RunServerScriptUnsafe("debug@unsafe_specialdeath",(cr.Id),5,117,null,null);                 
 Message("DEBUG NOTE: 3D critter died on EXPLODE. No 3d anim available. Needs switch to 2d and play anim again", FOMB_GAME );

if (cr.Stat[ST_GENDER] == 0) RunServerScriptUnsafe("debug@unsafe_specialdeath",(cr.Id),11,118,null,null);
if (cr.Stat[ST_GENDER] == 1) RunServerScriptUnsafe("debug@unsafe_specialdeath",(cr.Id),5,118,null,null);
Message("DEBUG NOTE: 3D critter died on burn. No 3d anim available. Needs switch to 2d and play anim again", FOMB_GAME );

if (cr.Stat[ST_GENDER] == 0) RunServerScriptUnsafe("debug@unsafe_specialdeath",(cr.Id),11,119,null,null);
if (cr.Stat[ST_GENDER] == 1) RunServerScriptUnsafe("debug@unsafe_specialdeath",(cr.Id),5,119,null,null);
Message("DEBUG NOTE: 3D critter died on BURN_RUN. No 3d anim available. Needs switch to 2d and play anim again", FOMB_GAME );


You need two closing brackets at the end.

Second, we open the file debug.fos and add this code at the bottom:

Code: [Select]
void unsafe_specialdeath(Critter& player, int param0, int param1, int param2, string@ param3, int[]@ param4)
         Critter@ target=GetCritter(def(param0,player.Id));
if (not valid(target)) return;
target.Animate( player.Id, param2, null, true, true );

Info: This method is not very effective, but it's all I can do. This has to be coded inside the engine and not executed from an external script. I'm sure someone will find a way to make it work properly.

Test. Try to die. Or use these commands:
~run debug body 0 293 1
~run debug anim 0 1 115

Place these files inside client/effects.
Edit and add this at the bottom

Code: [Select]
struct VsToPs_3DNormal
float4 Position     : POSITION;       
float2 TexCoord     : TEXCOORD0;
float3 Normal       : TEXCOORD1;

Erase the cache. Test, and you should see some armors shine, and a different shading on the character.
That's all for now, I hope it works for you.

Please send me a message if you have any question. Sometimes I miss something or make a mistake that I don't notice, so don't hesitate and tell me about it.

Also, to enable the muzzleflashes, and death gore use this command
~param 0 161 101
~run debug SetCritParam (#crID) 161 101
last one works on other critters using their id number
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 05:24:02 am by Karpov »

Offline Graf

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Re: How to make 3D characters work
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2013, 04:28:39 pm »
It's alive!  :) I'm still testing certain things, cause there are a lot of differences between our project (based on revision 360) and the clean SDK, but I can say for sure, that it is working very well. I haven't yet tested the death animations and shaders though.

One thing I would like to ask, is that where I can add item PID's to a different values? In my case, all items are described in _itempid.fos, see example:

Code: [Select]
# define PID_9MM_MAUSER ( 11000 ) / / 9mm Mauser
# define PID_10MM_PISTOL ( 11001 ) / / 10mm gun
# define PID_14MM_PISTOL ( 11002 ) / / 14mm gun

This is clear enough. But in game they don't show up. I supposed it's because they weren't added in client_main.fos and added extra values, like here:

Code: [Select]
#ifdef PLAYERS_3D
int GetHandleValue(uint16 pid)
if(pid == 0 || (pid >= 1000 && pid <=1100)) return 0;

int handle = 0;
case 11000 : handle = 11000 ;                break;
case 11001 : handle = 11001 ;                break;
case 11002 : handle = 11002 ;                break;

// Generic item
default:                                 handle = 0;                                                  break;

return handle;

It doesn't work like that. Using an item 11000 or 11001 on a right hand slot (as well as left hand) gives nothing.

Have you got any idea?
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 04:30:43 pm by Graf »

Offline Karpov

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Re: How to make 3D characters work
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2013, 06:07:51 pm »
Yes, there are some differences, some of them are intended and some of them are errors.
For example, switching the weapon to second slot (holster) will now render the weapon before the animation ends, but it's weird that it happens with some of them, so I would say it's intended for some reason. Also there's an error with the character name and floating text when you select 3D , even default VB3d. Another thing is the death anims show a little frame in the transition between bodies, and sometimes the character loses his skin texture (?).

About the weapons. I replaced the original code, with one that matches all of the PIDs to the handle Layer values. I suggest you use this code and try a lower number. I'm not sure, but this might be your problem :

if(pid == 0 || (pid >= 1000 && pid <=1100)) return 0;

Perhaps items in hand can't exceed the ID#1000. Just guessing, I have no idea what the code means...

I just hope you are not planning to add 11000 items  ;D
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 06:09:48 pm by Karpov »

Offline Graf

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Re: How to make 3D characters work
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2013, 06:55:38 am »
Also there's an error with the character name and floating text when you select 3D , even default VB3d.

Yeah, there's such an issue when the game is launched via Fonline D3D, but it can be avoided by using a Fonline OpenGL (or visa versa, I don't remember). In Fonline D3D there's no obvious way to fix the floating text/name thingie. Only cvet knows how to fix it, but for now he's busy with other things.

I just hope you are not planning to add 11000 items  ;D

Haha :D Not really, it's just for our convenience. For example, weapon PID's start at 11000, armors at 7000 etc etc.

By the way, I didn't get the issue with items not showing yet, cause our scripter is preparing some nice tool for semi-automated items integration. We will see what comes of it.

Offline Karpov

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Re: How to make 3D characters work
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2013, 07:33:24 pm »
Graf: Yes, it's obviously a bug, because it was working fine in the older revision.
It would be useful if you could find a way to add more layers, maybe it will help. Also, in case you didn't know, you can attach more than one file/model to a single layer value. Just a tip; I don't know how that system you are working on is going to work.

Someone asked if the models work in 2238, so I tested them. The structure is quite different from the standard FOnlineSDK.

First issue is that the character registration won't work. Enabling the #DEFINE PLAYERS_3D line will make every script that was previously ignoring it, start to use it. But there are 3 functions that are imported from the character registration script into client_main , that will cause a problem, and the script won't compile at all, making the game crash. If you are smart and find a way to fix it, that's very nice. I just cancelled those three functions inside the client_main script, and the problem was solved for me  ;)

Second, the code for armors and weapons are inside client_mapper_animation instead of client_main. Don't know why, but if something works, you don't ask...

You have to enable the characters from CritterTypes by adding the @ symbol at the beggining of the line. The critter IDs are different and they are named like "vbmstr" or something like that.

Last thing. The effects won't work; they wont render and the log states an error with DirectX. That's an SDK related issue that was fixed not long ago. If you could re-compile the game with a newer SDK, or find another way to fix the error, it should work fine.
Note: I think 3D_default.fx should work without error, but the specular effect will make it crash.

In the game I just had to change my body using the 'disguise command, and there it was.
  This is me, in Junktown, with a mercenary named Carrie Basset. Without shader  :(

« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 07:35:37 pm by Karpov »

Offline Wipe

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Re: How to make 3D characters work
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2013, 07:41:35 pm »
Just a small note - pids between 1000 and 1100 are "default items", which are used by engine in case when char have nothing in given slot. So pid == 0 || (pid >= 1000 && pid <=1100) is nothing else than checking if given pid is "real" item.
Games are meant to be created, not played...

Offline Karpov

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Re: How to make 3D characters work
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2013, 08:54:03 pm »
Just a small note - pids between 1000 and 1100 are "default items", which are used by engine in case when char have nothing in given slot. So pid == 0 || (pid >= 1000 && pid <=1100) is nothing else than checking if given pid is "real" item.

Thanks Wipe. I obviously don't understand a single thing about programming  ;D some times I wonder how I got most of this working...
 I guess this new forum is going to be really helpful for developers, and maybe I'll learn something myself.

Offline Graf

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Re: How to make 3D characters work
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2013, 07:05:17 pm »
I've been testing things lately, and so I got a few questions related to the animations mostly:

1. During melting animation, I think, there should be a skeleton visible, but I can't see one.

2. Cut in a half animation doesn't seem to work with armors. Some of vertexes seem to remain connected, which causes a glitch of some kind.

2. Do they (special animations) only work via _Fohuman_death file? There is an issue, that these animations could be only activated, when critter 293 (or equal female - 296) are picked at registration, or activated via debug command. But it's quite easy to see the seams, which are where the model is cut for special animations. Is it possible to replace critter only at even of special animation?
4. I'm not sure if I got shaders activated. I've completed the described steps, but, Tesla Armor, for example, doesn't have electricity moving from one spike to another. It's rather frozen.

5. Having the shaders not activated (I think), causes a bit darker models. Not so much of an issue, but still. By the way, what does "EffDef Floats Specular_Power x.x" command do?

Other than that, everything works smoothly, and I'm really, I mean really grateful to Karpov and others, who had participated in this project.

Offline Karpov

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Re: How to make 3D characters work
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2013, 07:34:56 am »
1. skeleton and gore are active only if Layer 11 is set to 101 (param 161 in game). This is the same layer that the "living" character uses as muzzleflash, but since death people don't usually fire weapons, I used it as gore layer in the special death character.
2. They only work with the death character, and the death armors need to be set inside the fohuman_death.fo3d. I have uploaded a few armors with the suffix _death, use these inside fohuman_death instead, in case I missed that.
3. the script for this is client_main. There is a section that defines some of the actions in the game. Look for ACTION_DEAD: . There, if you replace the code with the one I wrote in the first post, the character should switch bodies when he dies. Note that you need also the other line inside debug.fos.
This way is not the best, but it works pretty good, and it's the  only way I found.
4.For shaders, you need the effect files in the folder effects, and a new line inside IOstructures. Animation has nothing to do with the shaders, it's not working because its using the old animation values inside the eff_tesla.fo3d and specially because I need to re export everything that is animated, like I did with muzzles and deathgore. Sometimes it works if you reexport with fragmotion, somtimes it does not.
5. Yes, if the shaders are not working, the model looks kinda flat. That command sets the glossiness. Higher level will result in a more polished surface, like carpaint, while lower values gives a more opaque shade, like old metal, or rubber. The amount of specularity is set by the texture 2. If you paint the shoulder pads section white, and the rest black, the armor will look opaque but the shoulderpads shiny.

All that is working for me, so If you need any more help, just ask. The animation can be fixed. I made a test with animating sprites, and created a blood squirt, you can see it in the video. That was just a test, because the animations were not working and it was driving me crazy, so I made one from scratch to find out what the problem was.

Re: How to make 3D characters work
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2013, 10:12:02 am »
Working on my own Fallout online server with a lot of 3D stuff, french translation and recent mmorpg mechanisms.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2013, 10:17:58 am by Valkirie »

Offline Karpov

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Re: How to make 3D characters work
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2013, 06:22:16 am »
Good to know Valkirie. You can ask me if you have any problem with the models. Good luck with the project.

Re: How to make 3D characters work
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2013, 03:43:21 pm »
Well, most of them are working fine. Yet I'm only having trouble enabling muzzleflash and such on 2238 SDK (Direct3D).
I'll probably take a closer look to death animations, effects and code above as I reactivated the whole 3D thing all by myself months ago; Maybe we took different approaches (especialy if you're working on TLA sdk).

Once enabled and tweaked properly: noise, specular can give good result.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2013, 01:35:16 pm by Valkirie »

Offline Karpov

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Re: How to make 3D characters work
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2013, 03:24:20 pm »
Nice. The problem I had with shaders in 2238 is actually a problem with the SDK revision. There is a new SDK revision that fixed that, but it seems to be newer than the one they used in 2238. If you can make it work it would be great.

About muzzleflash. If it does not show up it's because the engine can't compile the shader 3d_selfIlluminated that makes it glow. Deactivate the shader from the eff_muzzleflash.fo3d and it will show. Also, it's in param 161 101 (thats layer 11 value 101).