Author Topic: Angelscript vs dll's  (Read 5430 times)

Angelscript vs dll's
« on: September 09, 2013, 05:46:29 pm »
Lidae just helped me with something similar to this topic, so I thought I'd ask this question in a new post in case others were curious. . .

Do dll's execute faster than Angelscript functions?

Re: Angelscript vs dll's
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2013, 06:25:15 pm »
I haven't done any benchmarking or anything like that, so I'm mostly guessing when I say that the difference in performance is minimal. However, depending on what you need to do, if you use the DLL's you have access to C++ libraries that are probably much more optimized than anything you can come up with on your own in angelscript.

Then again, most of what you want to do in fonline scripting requires very little processing power anyway.

While most of what you need to do can be done in angelscript, due to the way the SDK works, there are certain things that can only be done with the DLL, so in those cases you have no choice. The opposite is true to some extent as well - you won't get away from at least some basic angelscript coding.

Re: Angelscript vs dll's
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2013, 06:41:14 pm »
Fair enough.  Thanks for the help!

Re: Angelscript vs dll's
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2013, 07:43:47 pm »
The dll is faster, you say you practice reverse engineering, you should have known that

Re: Angelscript vs dll's
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2013, 08:17:26 pm »
Wow.  Feel better k3tamina?

Reverse engineering an engine littered with Russian documentation (or at times no documentation at all) is not easy, especially when I have limited time to work on it.  This FOnline engine is an absolute gem that is getting ground into dust by empty, high graphics crap games being produced by the big companies.  Try to be a little nicer to people interested in developing more application with this engine. . . and yes, I am aware that in general dll's are faster, but I don't know how temperamental THIS engine is when using them.  After all, practically everything is in Anglescript, and if it has to do with how efficiently the engine uses it, then it is something worth asking.

Re: Angelscript vs dll's
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2013, 12:14:56 am »
I don't understand why you overreacted this way, maybe you just don't know what's the meaning of reverse engineering. ^^
Just chill out

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Re: Angelscript vs dll's
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2013, 11:20:20 pm »
DLLs execute as fast as the native code, which they are. AngelScript is few times slower but within reasonable bounds for a scripting language. There are no comprehensive benchmarks that would compare the performance that I am aware of, however AS using JIT compiler can be seen to perform 2-3 times faster than one without it. AS performance also varies between its revisions, as the language itself is still in development. This year has seen inclusion of features that degraded performance as well as multiple fixes that improved it. This question is best suited for AS' own forum,