EDIT: Is there anyway that we could use SS without 6 AP penalty? i mean srsly when i'm in tb battle and need to heal myself without using that stupid ss hotkey,i need 6AP like when bursting with BG? Thats kinda harsh...
EDIT 2: What you think about craftable Lighter?
Yup I know it's harsh but SuperStimpak spam was worse. It was simply necessary to deal with it.
And yep, craftable Lighter will be added to crafting list, maybe with a bit different list of resources. Thanks for suggestion.
Cars can be multipetimes lockpicked,i think it doesn't make sense also it can be abusive for EXP.
Yeah, that was quite a bug. Fixed. Thanks for reporting.
Also, I merged all banks into one. This means that you open one account and use it in all available banks (SF, VC, BH, Redding, NCR, Hub).
However, I don't know if it won't ruin other things somehow, so.... testing needed, again

Changes will be in effect after server restart.