Author Topic: FOnline: Reloaded  (Read 174813 times)

Offline Tomowolf

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Re: FOnline: Reloaded
« Reply #30 on: July 16, 2013, 06:34:00 pm »
And then I'll make them restock every 30 minutes. Or 15. Or 5. So...what were you saying again?
Just more farmed shit in shops instead of caps and stuff that is fresh, that won't change nothing, you should know that farming was uber easy on 2238 (yes, even enclave farming).

According to the info you brought, let's take an example of 15 minutes restock, I'll be able to buy bunker in first day and carpet it in first week of normal beta, because i could farm Unity/Rgoues/Moonshiners/NCR Army/Enclave/BoS/Regulators, and sell crap in shops for thousands of caps.

Still cool eh?
« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 06:36:45 pm by Tomowolf »

Re: FOnline: Reloaded
« Reply #31 on: July 16, 2013, 06:36:10 pm »
Farmed shit is turned into caps, if restock is every 5 minutes, there should be no farmed shit at traders, unless you are farming with hypersonic speed. Are you still crying here?
Caps are refreshed and added every time their amount falls below 5000. Again, learn to read.

Who gives a fuck about your bunker in first day? Dude, stop being ridiculous.

Offline Tomowolf

  • Cute Kittens and stuff.
Re: FOnline: Reloaded
« Reply #32 on: July 16, 2013, 06:38:37 pm »
Farmed shit is turned into caps, if restock is every 5 minutes, there should be no farmed shit at traders, unless you are farming with hypersonic speed. Are you still crying here?
Caps are refreshed and added every time their amount falls below 5000. Again, learn to read.
I'm not even crying, just saying fact I've learned from 2238, it's not about caps, it's about items that you'll use in future (drugs, weapons, ammo, armors, blueprints, and caps for trading with other players, buying another car/base).
I'm not even trying to shit on this, but I'm metioning only those problems which 2238 server faced with, and you're fighting with them in wrong way, that's just my opinion, but meh, I can't read (and write probably too).

Offline DocAN.

  • Testing FO: Reloaded
Re: FOnline: Reloaded
« Reply #33 on: July 16, 2013, 06:48:53 pm »
There is simillar mechanism with items in vendors as with caps.
I would like to see how You are clearing all this Vendors, make an account and show it.

There is a bug with Predators and Caravans:

While fighting in enc for too long and predators will show up the Caravan Master wont take You with him.
(Increase the time b4 predators will show up)
« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 06:50:47 pm by DocAN. »
FOnline: Reloaded - Post apocalyptic mmorpg

Offline Nice_Boat

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Re: FOnline: Reloaded
« Reply #34 on: July 16, 2013, 07:14:54 pm »
I'm not even crying, just saying fact I've learned from 2238, it's not about caps, it's about items that you'll use in future (drugs, weapons, ammo, armors, blueprints, and caps for trading with other players, buying another car/base).
I'm not even trying to shit on this, but I'm metioning only those problems which 2238 server faced with, and you're fighting with them in wrong way, that's just my opinion, but meh, I can't read (and write probably too).

The only reason people made alts was that alts were the only viable way of procuring goods to fight or do whatever the hell else you want. If procuring goods can be achieved with other means (in this case farming, easier craft, possibility of crafting/doing barter on your PvP char), alts stop becoming more effective than playing a single char (from an economical standpoint). Therefore, your entire economy-based argument is wrong, because even if the current settings aren't spot on, they will be adjusted to allow people to accumulate wealth to waste doing fun stuff. The only potential problem here is that everybody will become rich with time including extremely noobish players, but in all honesty I believe the server is more fun that way.

And yeah, alts will be used for PvP because that's how open servers are, if you want a one-character experience you'll have to wait for Wasteland 2155 or until FOnline2 devs successfully implement their anti-alt.

Re: FOnline: Reloaded
« Reply #35 on: July 16, 2013, 07:19:24 pm »
While fighting in enc for too long and predators will show up the Caravan Master wont take You with him.
(Increase the time b4 predators will show up)
That's an easy fix, will be done after server update.

And here's a changelog:
- Caravan guards have higher Hit Points, Perception and weapon skills,
- Caravan guards have unlimited ammo,
- One of caravan guards will carry Laser Rifle instead of FN FAL,
- First wave of predators will appear a bit later than it used to,
- Removed IN/CH requirement from T-Ray dialogue,
- Pack Rat was moved to Support Perks and is given by Dangerous Dan. Only level 6 is required,
- .223 ammo should be more available at traders now.

Also, to speed up the testing process, altruists give free bottle caps.

If you want to talk about the test, receive info, help or whatever - join us on #reload channel on irc.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 09:23:01 pm by Kilgore »

Offline DocAN.

  • Testing FO: Reloaded
Re: FOnline: Reloaded
« Reply #36 on: July 16, 2013, 09:56:23 pm »
Caravan works fine now, and Pack Rat as Support perk is a good move.

Going to test traders and 223 ammo.
FOnline: Reloaded - Post apocalyptic mmorpg

Re: FOnline: Reloaded
« Reply #37 on: July 16, 2013, 09:58:15 pm »
Impressive changes. I cannot promise to test this server yet, whether or not someone wants that anyway.

After quick look in changelog, it looks promising for starters but if something is missing then it's a buff for sg burst weapons, which have always been worse compared to bg. If you look at those items and compare damage per AP and bullets used, you can figure out why they suck. Just saying this because it had always been something I expected to be fixed at least in some server.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.

Offline DocAN.

  • Testing FO: Reloaded
Re: FOnline: Reloaded
« Reply #38 on: July 16, 2013, 10:14:13 pm »
I think FN FAL HPFA should makes huge dmg, need to test it.
FOnline: Reloaded - Post apocalyptic mmorpg

Re: FOnline: Reloaded
« Reply #39 on: July 16, 2013, 10:25:29 pm »
After quick look in changelog, it looks promising for starters but if something is missing then it's a buff for sg burst weapons, which have always been worse compared to bg. If you look at those items and compare damage per AP and bullets used, you can figure out why they suck. Just saying this because it had always been something I expected to be fixed at least in some server.
I know, but I am not able to test everything by myself. I need reasonable and detailed feedback, then I'll be able to make some adjustments and we can see if that works.

Offline Ghosthack

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Re: FOnline: Reloaded
« Reply #40 on: July 16, 2013, 10:43:14 pm »
Nice initiative, I hope it goes well so that the spirit of 2238 will continue to live in some form or the other :)

The TC code is a mess but I see that you've managed to make some changes with it anyway, a warning about the player decided laws stuff: unless you've modified anything, it was pretty buggy the last time I worked on it and I can't remember if everything was ever working correctly with it.

Re: FOnline: Reloaded
« Reply #41 on: July 16, 2013, 10:57:56 pm »
Yup it was a bit bugged before I fixed it:
- if someone got caught when stealing, militia would shoot the victim not the thief,
- carrying weapons law would never be enforced because TC towns weren't included in guard script

I tested it locally, with faction member, allied member and some outsider character present in town. Should be roughly okay.
Btw actually TC script is well written if you ask me; it was very easy to figure out what's where. Also it was very customisable; I used elements from all three TC systems (typical timer, time window and influence).
« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 11:01:54 pm by Kilgore »

Offline DocAN.

  • Testing FO: Reloaded
Re: FOnline: Reloaded
« Reply #42 on: July 17, 2013, 12:22:59 pm »
Books suggestion, to improve 1 alt gameplay:

- Existing books should give 6 Skill Points per use, each kind of books could be used 10 times
- Skill related existing books are: Small Guns/First Aid/Repair/Science/Outdoors/[Cats Paw No. 5 - not sure about this one]
- Lavender Flower could give Skill Points to Speach skill
- Chemistry Jurnals could give Skill Points to Traps skill

- There is also Fallout Hint book which could be some reward in a dungeon. This books could give some EXP bonus or 6 Skill Points to all skills and it could be used only once.

This small tweak will help Battle chars to become crafters even faster, all what Apes will need would be 40% in Repair/Science and then with 60 Skill Points from books each APE will get access to Crafting Proffesions

Strong Back - as a support perk [ requirements - EN 6 lvl 9 ] it could be given by some boxer in New Reno
FOnline: Reloaded - Post apocalyptic mmorpg

Re: FOnline: Reloaded
« Reply #43 on: July 17, 2013, 01:47:08 pm »

- Strong Back moved to Support Perks, with the same requirements as previously (Level 6, Endurance 6). Given by Francis in Broken Hills.
- You are able to exceed your Carry Weight (up to 200% CW), but you will be unable to run.
- Carry Weight increased for all characters by 20kg.
- Super Stimpak hotkey should work again, with cost of 6 Action Points per use.

I believe that should be one alt (looter/mule) less.

Additional changes:
- Big Book of Science, Deans Electronics and Scout Handbook now permanently increase skill values by 6 Skill Points after each use. Max 10 uses,
- Changed cost of Big Book of Science to 2000 caps, Deans Electronics to 1200 caps, Scout Handbook to 1500 caps,
- Capacity of all containers was increased x100.

Skills like: Lockpick, Steal, Traps, Science, Repair will have their maximum effect lowered to like 150-170%. Imo it's pointless to require more for these skills.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 04:16:10 pm by Kilgore »

Offline DocAN.

  • Testing FO: Reloaded
Re: FOnline: Reloaded
« Reply #44 on: July 17, 2013, 04:31:04 pm »
Amazing how fast books suggestion was implemented !

Will test changes after work.
FOnline: Reloaded - Post apocalyptic mmorpg