Author Topic: Dead Space  (Read 12216 times)

Offline LagMaster

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Dead Space
« on: June 29, 2013, 11:55:18 am »
Hei guys, with the ocasion of Dead Space 3 launch i got my hand on all Dead Space games(w.o DLCs) and they are realy nice.

They didn't scare me that much( i think only 5 times in all 3 games i got scared) but at some parts it was frustating and grose, but worth it
So what is your opinion about the Dead Space title?

Re: Dead Space
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2013, 02:08:38 pm »
Epic, one of the best games I've played.

Offline 700noob007

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Re: Dead Space
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2013, 06:00:55 pm »
First dev spaces I've ever played and let me say I had a few pairs of underwear beside.

Re: Dead Space
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2013, 06:58:18 pm »
None of the Dead Space games are scary, If you really want something to give you nightmares, play Silent Hill or the old Resident Evil games. Even Super Mario is more scary than Dead Space.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 07:00:37 pm by raynor009 »

Re: Dead Space
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2013, 07:40:16 pm »
None of the Dead Space games are scary, If you really want something to give you nightmares, play Silent Hill or the old Resident Evil games. Even Super Mario is more scary than Dead Space.
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Offline Mike Crosser

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Re: Dead Space
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2013, 10:34:19 am »
None of the Dead Space games are scary, If you really want something to give you nightmares, play Silent Hill or the old Resident Evil games. Even Super Mario is more scary than Dead Space.
There is also Amnesia:The Dark Descent
One of the scariest.

But yeah,Dead Space gets less scary with each installment (the third one wasn't even a horror game,just a shooter)

Offline Haraldx

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Re: Dead Space
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2013, 11:35:16 am »
Silent Hill or the old Resident Evil games.
Doubt it. Silent Hill is more random and to some degree psychological. Nothing wrong with that, actually. Sometimes, however, the developers seem to have put things in the game because why the fuck not. Resident Evil on the other hand... Well... Maybe I just expect something more from horror games nowadays, but it doesn't seem anything special anymore. I never played RE back in the days when it was released, so I can't really tell how much horror it really is. The new REs however are just terrible. RE4 was arguably good, but still focused on a lot more action.
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Offline Lexx

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Re: Dead Space
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2013, 11:37:12 am »
Resident Evil 1 was really good. Everything after that only focused more and more on combat and action with every new game.

Offline Andr3aZ

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Re: Dead Space
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2013, 12:51:43 pm »
Dunno, every time I play a sequel in horror games im disappointed (Fear1 = awesome! Fear2 = quite good! Fear3 = meh).

Re: Dead Space
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2013, 04:30:59 pm »
Resident Evil Nemesis was good as well. But starting from 4 and up they all sucked in terms of horror, they were more like action games with shitty camera controls and angles. I mean lol, zombies evaporate after you kill them? I want to see them bodies laying arround so I can be proud about my handy work, it's also useful if you need to go back to an area and you forgot the way, use the death trail you created to orient :))))
« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 04:36:05 pm by raynor009 »

Offline Ganado

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Re: Dead Space
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2013, 05:13:35 am »
Resident Evil 1 was amazing, and the remake was done brilliantly (gotta miss the voice acting). RE4 was a great game in itself if you like the third-person shooter and action aspects while still having the "horror" feel to it (I do), but I agree that it certainly didn't match the previous games in the survival aspect. Certain parts of RE4 definitely had the survival aspect to it, like when you are in the sewers with the novistadores or the village at night. The ammo conservation aspect that was in the first game could be simulated if you limited what you used, ex: only using knife and Handgun. The puzzles for RE4 could have been better, though.

Haven't played RE5 onward, though I've seen it is just more ammo consumption/FPS and much less survival-horror.
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Offline Nexxos

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Re: Dead Space
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2013, 03:15:37 pm »
Resident Evil 1 was amazing, and the remake was done brilliantly (gotta miss the voice acting). RE4 was a great game in itself if you like the third-person shooter and action aspects while still having the "horror" feel to it (I do), but I agree that it certainly didn't match the previous games in the survival aspect. Certain parts of RE4 definitely had the survival aspect to it, like when you are in the sewers with the novistadores or the village at night. The ammo conservation aspect that was in the first game could be simulated if you limited what you used, ex: only using knife and Handgun. The puzzles for RE4 could have been better, though.

Haven't played RE5 onward, though I've seen it is just more ammo consumption/FPS and much less survival-horror.

Resident Evil 5 was fun in coop. I enjoyed it. RE4 was great as well, but it was rather overrated (most of the praise came from the "advanced" engine and the camera angle that proceeded to dominate the action scene for a long time (Dead Space, Gears of War).

Resident Evil: Revelations on that other hand, it was awesome. It redeemed the not-so-great Resident Evil 6 (although even that was fun in coop. Single player? Weelll.....)
“And we passed through the cavern of rats.

And we passed through the path of streaming flamethrowers.

And we passed through the faction of the blind.

And we passed through the slough of swarm.

And we passed through the vale of tears.

And we came, finally, to the ice caverns.

Re: Dead Space
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2013, 08:34:08 pm »
Love it. Absolutely.

Dead Space 1

Graphics: 9 (pretty good optimiced high resolution graphics)
Enviorement: 9 (rusty and bloody walls, blood and gore everywhere, space, moebius-like scenery)
Realism: 7 (a bit weird that a single guy can cut 99999 limbs without getting killed, at least in System Shock II you can be killed and replicated!)
Gameplay: 7 ( good and hard, you can barely move with the heavy engineer suit but too damn slow to run)
Difficulty: 8 ( balanced)
Plot: 9 ( pretty damn good)
Non-playable cinematics: 7
Playable cinematics: 8 ( that mutated worm-tentacle made me almost shit my pants two times )

Dead Space 2

Graphics: 9 (different but still really good and optimized)
Enviorement: 8 (a colonial space city being infected? looks really nice. But it's a lot less scarier than DS1)
Realism: 8 (You can hear Isaac and see his head which makes it quite more realist than DS1.)
Gameplay: 8 ( In my opinion, easier than DS1 but definitely more playable. You can fight with your hands, hack locks and even fly in zero graviti, which made me really horny.)
Difficulty: 6 ( A lot of less scary and harsh than DS1)
Plot: 7 ( Not bad. I liked it. Being in contact with living beings all the time makes the thigs much easier)
Non-playable cinematics: 8 (starting scene before Isaac gets free is awesome)
Playable cinematics: 9 ( Just awesome. The railway scene, the big gorilla that jumps behind you in space and crashes a ship, the WHOLE ending scene. )

Dead Space 3

I did not finished DS3 yet. It's about 70% done.

Offline Haraldx

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Re: Dead Space
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2013, 09:26:12 pm »
I actually enjoyed DS 1 over DS 2 more just because the shooting mechanics felt more solid... And yet they are identical.
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Offline LagMaster

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Re: Dead Space
« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2013, 09:33:21 pm »
Yeah, DS1 was really awesome indeed, the only problem i had was the hard controll. Had play it on medium and when i managed to pass areas i was stuck w.o cheating(like the first turret minigame or 1/2 areas i was with low ammo) it is, sincerly, the best felling a gamer can have: manage to pass a hard level.
DS2 was a bit less harsh but veary fun, especialy the chapters when you get back on the Ishimura.
DS3 was really easy... never had problems with HP or ammo like on the first 2 games and having a heavy telemetry spike with force gun, both with difraction tips(for assault spike and ground difractor) and a statis coating atachment was making the game feel like a walk in the park