1. That's what I am asking - how far do you want to go? 
2. Thumbs up for that.
3. From my point of view backward compatibility is not worth, if you would be forced not to introduce features that could be really helpful and better or pay for bad decisions made in the past. If you are trying to do better improved version of SDK, that should serve as a base for new projects, than screw backward compatibility and do it better. 
4. I guess, it is not some decisioning that community could help you with. Or is it?
1. Depends on 4:)
4. I guess community could state their needs for better SDK, but we're aware of many needs and limitations ourselves, we just need to somehow fit it into 'roadmap' picture, so we are deciding about "how", and not necesarily "what".
I guess lots of it should be exposed outside, to give people a chance to contribute, but also some things cannot be, due to the "closed" nature of engine. And things like choosing scripting runtime is definitely an engine thing, but once it's chosen, things like utility classes, frameworks are definitely open things.