There's this screen where guy shouts "aaaaaaa" as he's being torn apart. I like that one.
I dont get it how you persuaded those players to die from Gauss rifle fasthooter, while you were dealing 20 dmg/shot :O
I have made today at least 60 actions (most of them missions failed , most of them solo, dieing near grid, quick regearing, eating cookies on the way from 7 families to GT and finally spawning without preview. Repeating till i used all options for fight ... So i took one nice picture of my character table in meantime.
they were laughing at my cookies, now they crave them
There is difference betwen 1 cookie and 20...
4.For fuck sake stop your retarded posts if you actualy has nothing relevant to say/show/suggest! (5LK?, copycat?,copyfag?)
for fuck's sakes stop dying so often in ghost town. you're an embarrassment.
We don't all have your patience to wait in a corner for a suitable victim . With a backup sneaker friend to shoot the last HP off in case you fail your bursts... Ye, good life/death ratio, but it's a completely different play style.
dude. i'm awesome.
you fucken suck.all you do is run around with 3 other BG sneakers hoping you can take down at least ONE BG tank.and when you do, you guys end up getting raped by their friends