This the SG build I came up with. Since I mostly do PvE & crafting, this build is not optimized for damage output but instead tries to be as versatile as possible.
ST 5 - (needed for Sniper Rifle/XL70E3/Pancor Jackhammer)
PE 8 - ("upgraded to 10" with Sharpshooter perk)
EN 4 - (for Lifegiver to be taken @ lvl 12 to get the most out of it. Also odd points in endurance do not add additional HPs on level ups, right?)
CH 1 - (fixed with mentants when more charisma is needed)
IN 7 - (left overs put here, though SPs are always nice)
AG 10 - (can't have too many APs can you?

LK 6 - (mostly for the "crit perks")
For traits I took only Small Frame. However Finesse would also be appropriate since the somewhat lower non-critical damage dealt because of it is outweighted by added 10% of crit chance.
As for perks I'm planning to take Awareness, More Criticals
*, Sharpshooter, Lifegiver, Bonus ROF, Better Criticals & Living Anatomy to improve the damage output as much as possible.
*Taking Finesse would most propably make this obsolete so Bonus Ranged Damage could be taken instead.
Tagged skills are Small guns, Repair and Outdoorsman. Outdoorsman could be replaced with pretty much any non-charisma related skill and I picked it mostly because I like it. With IN 7 there will be enough SPs to boost science up to 90% required for SG smith lvl3. For secondary profession I was planning to take lvl1 armorer.
For PvP purposes I suppose 2 points could be moved from Agility to Endurance for higher max HPs and offset the lost APs with Jet. Also taking a point of Intelligence to Perception would allow using cigarettes to boost PE all the way to 10 and free up the level 9 perk for Better Criticals. Also repair & outdoorsman skills have little value in PvP so they could be replaced with something else.
Does Sharpshooter perk allow the Perception to go over 10 when determining range modifier (and would that be useful in any way)?