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Author Topic: How to get experiences effectively?  (Read 2304 times)

How to get experiences effectively?
« on: March 29, 2010, 02:32:09 pm »

Ok, which ways how to gain experience we had got before wipe:
using FA - u need FA skill for that
outdoorsman - not really markable source
steal - u need steal skill for that

What we got now:
killing - extremely dangerous now, and time requirements are high because FA skill is fucked (u need to w8 7 mins until you can fa yourself and go fight again).
using FA - formula is changed, I think we get lower exp for FA, right? anyway if u want to be effective with FA, u need to have high doctor skill too. I doubt everybody wants to tag FA + DOC on every character.
crafting - u ve lowered exps gained, not markable source of exp now
outdoorsman - not really markable source after wipe too.
steal - u need steal skill for that, only hope for exping crafter characters, and you are going to dissallow it???

So tell me, whats your wiev, how we should exping our chars if I dont tag doc + fa

I guess, u wanted make a game more harder so we get levels 21 not so eazyly. But if u ban steal "exploit", its going to be almost impossible to get experiences, and not entertaining at all. I dont enjoy going to wasteland, kill 1 -2 rats, give low fa- then wait 30 mins until my life is regenerated, then kill 2 rats and wait 30 mins again...

I suggest to increase experience gain from crafting and repair FA skill as how it was before wipe.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2010, 02:37:07 pm by Josefista »
Rockwell weapons user
Re: How to get experiences effectively?
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2010, 02:34:51 pm »

I don't tag doc+fa and I'm happy.
Re: How to get experiences effectively?
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2010, 02:36:22 pm »

I don't tag doc+fa and I'm happy.

you use steal then? or you got some equipment as donation, or you are pk :P
Rockwell weapons user


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Re: How to get experiences effectively?
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2010, 02:39:21 pm »

(u need to w8 7 mins until you can fa yourself and go fight again).

Use Stimpaks/Raise Doc skill.

As for how, I think you've pretty much got them.

FA needs Doc skill aswell to be at the same rate, or deal with the slower increase from just FA.
Crafting is slightly slower, 20% or price instead of 30%.
Outdoors is the same as ever.
Killing critters ... do we have extra critter types for the new 3D critters yet? If its not done yet, then its the same as ever.
Quest xp, steal, lockpick, shovelling ...

There is nothing stopping anyone using all of those at the same time.

More importantly, everyone has to deal with the same circumstances, so who cares? You don't have to be level 21 to play and the relative difference between players is unchanged as there is still one universal xp system that everyone shares.
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Re: How to get experiences effectively?
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2010, 02:56:24 pm »

There is nothing stopping anyone using all of those at the same time.

More importantly, everyone has to deal with the same circumstances, so who cares? You don't have to be level 21 to play

Solar, have you ever played pvp? I need 21 lvl on it to be effective and I am really not going to tag lockpick/science/repair. My only hope will be FA/doc so I hope they will work well on high levels together :P But If I wanted to choose outdoors besides fa, I would be fucked...

U tell me that crafting is slightly slower, 20%? hm m8 of me told me that for crafting of stimpack u gain about 30 exp, before wipe it was 150exp, wasnt it?
also 400 exp for metal armor is not 20% lower.

I think I will be ok just because of my gang support... but If I imagine new player who is lonely wanderer- hes got no chance to survive, completely no chance.

btw dont think I just whine about anything, I just feel this game is getting just more hardcore, and even if I like hardcore games, this is less and less entertainy.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2010, 03:04:41 pm by Josefista »
Rockwell weapons user
Re: How to get experiences effectively?
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2010, 03:02:10 pm »

you use steal then? or you got some equipment as donation, or you are pk :P
I'm not a PK.
I don't use steal.
I don't have donations, I doing donations. ;p
I simply sniper/crafter/outdoorsman who shoots at red names(100% sure they're PKs, because I saw them once killing me or other people) or trying head-knockdown suspicious persons who don't answer and wielding weapon and able to shot at me at thier turn.
I'm 10th level, and most of time (last days) helping others to earn XP, so I don't have much XP last days.
Don't see any problem in XP earning.
Also I don't have any alts, and don't want to, so I'll get 21st level not so slow.
Re: How to get experiences effectively?
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2010, 03:11:53 pm »

I'm not a PK.
I don't use steal.
I don't have donations, I doing donations. ;p
I simply sniper/crafter/outdoorsman who shoots at red names(100% sure they're PKs, because I saw them once killing me or other people) or trying head-knockdown suspicious persons who don't answer and wielding weapon and able to shot at me at thier turn.
I'm 10th level, and most of time (last days) helping others to earn XP, so I don't have much XP last days.
Don't see any problem in XP earning.
Also I don't have any alts, and don't want to, so I'll get 21st level not so slow.

well... you are the all-round character which is not best at anything- neither crafting neither pvp fighting, and please dont convince me about opposite.
But I am pvp player since ages- that means that I need crafter for armors, crafter for guns, crafter for drugs/superstimps and pvp char. I dont have 2 years to get proffesions and equipment
Rockwell weapons user


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Re: How to get experiences effectively?
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2010, 03:16:34 pm »

Well, than it's simply your problem if the game is not fun for you..  :-\
Why just play this as pure pvp? There are so much possibilities.. And when you create a character JUST for special purposes, you have to deal with the consequences.. I don't want to "troll", but after the wipe, everything encourages us to "play" more, which I find really good.

RavenousRat's way  is just a good example. :)
Re: How to get experiences effectively?
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2010, 03:16:57 pm »

well... you are the all-round character which is not best at anything- neither crafting neither pvp fighting, and please dont convince me about opposite.
But I am pvp player since ages- that means that I need crafter for armors, crafter for guns, crafter for drugs/superstimps and pvp char. I dont have 2 years to get proffesions and equipment
I have an armor, but I'm 0 lvl prof armorer, stimpaks, but I'm 0 doc, because there're exist other player with who you can talk, help them and they will help you.


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Re: How to get experiences effectively?
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2010, 03:42:56 pm »

well... you are the all-round character which is not best at anything- neither crafting neither pvp fighting, and please dont convince me about opposite.
But I am pvp player since ages- that means that I need crafter for armors, crafter for guns, crafter for drugs/superstimps and pvp char. I dont have 2 years to get proffesions and equipment
Go play Sims Quake then, there is no need to craft a single bullet.

Man, I'm beginning to love this sentence.
But seriously - why his char would be "not best" at crafting, having 100% Science, 120% Repair and, say, 120% Small Guns, for hunting for example? And why he has to be "the best"? There are some rewards? Strange.
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Re: How to get experiences effectively?
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2010, 03:43:50 pm »

Go play Sims Quake then, there is no need to craft a single bullet.

Man, I'm beginning to love this sentence.
But seriously - why his char would be "not best" at crafting, having 100% Science, 120% Repair and, say, 120% Small Guns, for hunting for example? And why he has to be "the best"? There are some rewards? Strange.
Why so low SG? I can easily have stats for SG3 and ~220% SG...

Edit: +also 120% outdoorsman


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Re: How to get experiences effectively?
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2010, 03:46:29 pm »

Depends on your INT - but yeah, I agree.
BTW it's cool to see other "average" guys, like my char.  ;D
Re: How to get experiences effectively?
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2010, 03:50:54 pm »

well, I ve always been pure pvp player since its the most funny way for me... and always wanted to be best in it, sry its just my stance...
and in my eyes you are just guys who actually didnt try to play real pvp and win it, because you evidently dont know the satisfieing feeling from winning such a challenge... if u did, other things would be boring for you :)
however dont think I am just stupid monster, I always enjoy playing "role play", its the second way how to enjoy mmo. mining/crafting/killing critters is just below them, trust me :)
« Last Edit: March 29, 2010, 03:57:11 pm by Josefista »
Rockwell weapons user
Re: How to get experiences effectively?
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2010, 04:04:34 pm »

well, I ve always been pure pvp player since its the most funny way for me... and always wanted to be best in it, sry its just my stance...
and in my eyes you are just guys who actually didnt try to play real pvp and win it, because you evidently dont know the satisfieing feeling from winning such a challenge... if u did, other things would be boring for you :)
however dont think I am just stupid monster, I always enjoy playing "role play", its the second way how to enjoy mmo. mining/crafting/killing critters is just below them, trust me :)
I'm just playing FOnline, having SG, because don't like energy, BG, uarmed, melee and throwing.
Crafting SG, because I can't play pure fighter, it's stupid and I feel myself an idiot, when can't do anything with my hands and having IN<8.
Outdoorsman to save travel for me and followers players (but I have only 3 CH, it's not enough last time..), anyway I don't care about encountering PK by the way to mine or around any town, because I have enough outdoorsman to avoid almost every encounter.
I getting satisfaction when killing PK who robbed me or other people in past.
I like to help others, especially other PK-hunters, I can easily give them top tier weapon+all ammo I have, if they're good men.
I drop all low tier weapon and all ammo I don't need at NCR each time I have alot of it.
That's how I play this game and I'm happy.
Re: How to get experiences effectively?
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2010, 04:13:16 pm »

I'm just playing FOnline, having SG, because don't like energy, BG, uarmed, melee and throwing.
Crafting SG, because I can't play pure fighter, it's stupid and I feel myself an idiot, when can't do anything with my hands and having IN<8.
Outdoorsman to save travel for me and followers players (but I have only 3 CH, it's not enough last time..), anyway I don't care about encountering PK by the way to mine or around any town, because I have enough outdoorsman to avoid almost every encounter.
I getting satisfaction when killing PK who robbed me or other people in past.
I like to help others, especially other PK-hunters, I can easily give them top tier weapon+all ammo I have, if they're good men.
I drop all low tier weapon and all ammo I don't need at NCR each time I have alot of it.
That's how I play this game and I'm happy.

I understand you, I am member of VSB which is propably the only nonpk/helping gang in wasteland so we do all what you do but in much larger scale ;)
We are eliminating pks and make north towns safer, but for this we need pvp chars to win battles. and for this we need them exp to lvl 21 which is harder and harder thru the time
Rockwell weapons user
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