Other > Closed suggestions

How to get experiences effectively?

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--- Quote from: Josefista on March 29, 2010, 02:36:22 pm ---you use steal then? or you got some equipment as donation, or you are pk :P

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I'm not a PK.
I don't use steal.
I don't have donations, I doing donations. ;p
I simply sniper/crafter/outdoorsman who shoots at red names(100% sure they're PKs, because I saw them once killing me or other people) or trying head-knockdown suspicious persons who don't answer and wielding weapon and able to shot at me at thier turn.
I'm 10th level, and most of time (last days) helping others to earn XP, so I don't have much XP last days.
Don't see any problem in XP earning.
Also I don't have any alts, and don't want to, so I'll get 21st level not so slow.


--- Quote from: RavenousRat on March 29, 2010, 03:02:10 pm ---I'm not a PK.
I don't use steal.
I don't have donations, I doing donations. ;p
I simply sniper/crafter/outdoorsman who shoots at red names(100% sure they're PKs, because I saw them once killing me or other people) or trying head-knockdown suspicious persons who don't answer and wielding weapon and able to shot at me at thier turn.
I'm 10th level, and most of time (last days) helping others to earn XP, so I don't have much XP last days.
Don't see any problem in XP earning.
Also I don't have any alts, and don't want to, so I'll get 21st level not so slow.

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well... you are the all-round character which is not best at anything- neither crafting neither pvp fighting, and please dont convince me about opposite.
But I am pvp player since ages- that means that I need crafter for armors, crafter for guns, crafter for drugs/superstimps and pvp char. I dont have 2 years to get proffesions and equipment

Well, than it's simply your problem if the game is not fun for you..  :-\
Why just play this as pure pvp? There are so much possibilities.. And when you create a character JUST for special purposes, you have to deal with the consequences.. I don't want to "troll", but after the wipe, everything encourages us to "play" more, which I find really good.

RavenousRat's way  is just a good example. :)


--- Quote from: Josefista on March 29, 2010, 03:11:53 pm ---well... you are the all-round character which is not best at anything- neither crafting neither pvp fighting, and please dont convince me about opposite.
But I am pvp player since ages- that means that I need crafter for armors, crafter for guns, crafter for drugs/superstimps and pvp char. I dont have 2 years to get proffesions and equipment

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I have an armor, but I'm 0 lvl prof armorer, stimpaks, but I'm 0 doc, because there're exist other player with who you can talk, help them and they will help you.


--- Quote from: Josefista on March 29, 2010, 03:11:53 pm ---well... you are the all-round character which is not best at anything- neither crafting neither pvp fighting, and please dont convince me about opposite.
But I am pvp player since ages- that means that I need crafter for armors, crafter for guns, crafter for drugs/superstimps and pvp char. I dont have 2 years to get proffesions and equipment

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Go play Sims Quake then, there is no need to craft a single bullet.

Man, I'm beginning to love this sentence.
But seriously - why his char would be "not best" at crafting, having 100% Science, 120% Repair and, say, 120% Small Guns, for hunting for example? And why he has to be "the best"? There are some rewards? Strange.


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