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What will you do after 2238 is offline?

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Done with my skrim playthrough, now I'll just go kindly blow my brains out now from boredom or try TLA MKII

I will quadcopter around.

Ultima Online Forever Freeshard 100% Free[URL]


--- Quote from: Ox-Skull on June 14, 2013, 06:31:19 am ---Making models for my Fallout: Tactics mod, for some weeks now.


--- End quote ---

Gonna check out that demo soon.

A Traitor:
I don't know what I'll do AFTER the shut down, but BEFORE IT I intend to rid the workd of all that is evil; I will kill the raiders, Vault City (except slaves), the Enclave, 3 of the 4 families (I happen to LIKE the WRIGHTS), the Slavers Union, and any evil in between them.
Then, when the Gods have damned me to Oblivion, I can spit in their eyes and die a Hero of the Wastes, while the rest of the fools bash each other into eternity for nothing.


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