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What will you do after 2238 is offline?

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I'll probably finish up my High Elf Mage Skyrim save and see the different content and reactions to your race.

so what are you doing after 2238 is offline?

I didint play fonline recently anyway, so my life wont change.

Watching more anime + reading manga.
Finally found some more time to spent <3

Play with my band, gotta do the concerts around Poland  8).
If I find some time for game, I'll visit the forum and irc/TS, and come back to Tibia or any other game that I left due to FOnline :P.

Haven't played for a few months either just only when and update was done. But I don't think they will close the server, they still haven't finished the 3D models yet, and I don't think they will throw away all those years of work.

ON: I will do what I always do, sit on my couch and get stoned.


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