Other > Off-topic discussions
What will you do after 2238 is offline?
I haven't played this game lately, and I don't believe I will be playing until the server shutdown, but I sure as hell will be browsing forum Junk section quite a bit, some precious jewels stored there ;D Thanks, moderators/admins!
Nothing will change i`ve moved to TLA mk2 to enjoy fonline.
I'm gonna miss the forum PvP.
Mr Feltzer:
--- Quote from: Senocular on June 09, 2013, 10:03:12 pm ---I'm gonna miss the forum PvP.
--- End quote ---
The Forum will stay online, its just being converted to an SDK dev forum.
And what I will do, I Game Dev. :D
i will wait to kill players in 3D if it ever happens.. if someone ask for papers, it is me! long live SECTION8
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