What is so wrong about a simple mind? I like simple. Simple is good.
Criticism can be helpfull. vedaras was just bashing for the sake of bashing. What is the use for it now other than to be an asshole? I am not shielding anyone and I'm not apologetic and I'm not saying mistakes were not made. I just appreciate this game and I'm thankfull for a chance to play it.
You think your mind is superior because of the metaphors you're using? or is it something else? You assume way too much. Perhaps you should read more carefully and if you want to point out something wrong I said you should stick to my words and not what you assume. Otherwise read poetry, there is more room for your funny interpretations.
It's nice you're working on something, I'm glad people like it. But no you are not worthy yet and you should work more before you're allowed to patronize simple folk like me.
But since you assumed so much, you should also know my assumption: you're a dipshit moron. (here, this is helpfull criticism, learn from it and stop being a moron)
Cowards.i had a great time. thank you.i still think you are cowards for killing server instead of facing issues.viva tla mk2. may they succeed where you have failed and fled.this makes me quite sad for the record.thank you to every player who ever played this great game.
I think he was just pointing out he was right all along. People tend to do that, nothing wrong about it.I'm not assuming anything, it's not the first time you reacted by lashing out against valid criticism aimed at the devteam here. If you did so in the past along with the few other asslickers, it probably (hell, maybe even unconsciously) played a part in giving the devs the idea that they can keep ignoring the community and we all know how that ended. So yeah, actually you're the asshole here, along with all the other clowns who still sing to the "blame the players" tune.
Oh really? Weren't you the one starting all the patronizing? I've got a question for you: what have you done in terms of FOnline development to tell anyone who's worthy of having an opinion and who isn't? I bet you don't even really know how the damn tools look like.
Accusing someone of something should come with some examples to carry some weight. In this case, you just pulled something out of your ass and tried looking smart... I don't think you managed to pull it off though. And yeah, I believe I can provide some recent (as in, this thread) examples of rabid fanboyism on your part - but if this situation can teach us anything, it's that a few blind, rabid fanboys can't really carry a server.
Nothing. Makes you look stupid though.
I wasted 2.5 years
Yeah, the game died, he was right. That is what this thread is about. Devs made many mistakes, but overall it was a great game. So why rub it in their face like this? Is this what you call valid criticism? You assume alot if you put me in the same category with asslickers, I never was one. The only thing you might be right about is me being an asshole and that's only because I felt like it's a funeral of 2238 and this guy vedaras is pissing on it's grave, so I guess it pissed me off to see this kind of talk on this topic.