Other > Off-topic discussions
Cyber Jesus:
I started downloading and then i saw that the speed was 30kb/s so i stopped. Not worth waiting 8 hours to download.
Mike Crosser:
--- Quote from: Cyber Jesus on June 04, 2013, 10:42:39 pm ---I started downloading and then i saw that the speed was 30kb/s so i stopped. Not worth waiting 8 hours to download.
--- End quote ---
Strange,took me only 2 hours
But when you add the install time and the registration and setting up,it kinda kills the mood.
Shame,seen a lot of fanboys cream their pants at the mention of this...
Took me 10 minutes to download and another 10 minutes to install. Registration was 5 minutes or so, then it was running perfect?
in uo there is the same rule like in fonline,.. never trust someone, pks are everywhere!
if u guys need help at the start u can find me mostly at britain bank, Name is DanSan ;)
Looks good but I'm not such a big fan of swords and pokemons. If they ever put a minigun in there I'm in :D. It looked pretty good tho, I might give it try when I have nothing else to do.
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