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Cyber Jesus:
I'm downloading this right now, hope its worth it.

i have leveled my warrior to 100 swordsmanship and 100 tactics, but any more leveling is so slow...

Also i cant enjoy  the game solo, becouse iam unable to kill greater NPCs...

maybe if i would meet anybody to play with it would change my mind

Any e mail i put in ea account management stuff seems to be incorrect,what s wrong..?

I think you are somehow wrong. You don't need any EA account managment whatever thingy. You are downloading the client, register in their forum and then log into the game with your newly created forum account.

this is a freeshard server, ist 100% free and legal
the server has great support and has always like 500-600 people online 24/7
great pvp(u can kill every Player where ever u want) and skill System + housing (u can build ur own Player Citys)

if u need any help ingame u can find me near the britain bank or on uoforever Forums! Name is DanSan


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