Other > Gang Issues

Thieves and their effects ....

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Mike Crosser:

--- Quote from: Thorzain on June 01, 2013, 06:47:03 pm ---nope i just entered into BH when absolute darlings were taking the place ;D  ( yes i know what happens ) and i just entered fought i would fire my desert eagle once for LOLz but i got killed instantly and my leg was blown off lol.

--- End quote ---
"Lol" you keep using that word,I don't think it means what you think it means.

laugh out loud yes i know im a addicted to that word LOL ...... addiction you guys may be addicted to jet but for me its LOL or LUL or LAWL or .......

Mike Crosser:
So you fired your dessert eagle for laugh out loud?

Well not exactly I fired it for a laugh you know for fun.


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