Other > Gang Issues

Thieves and their effects ....

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the underground:

--- Quote from: Thorzain on May 29, 2013, 11:25:22 pm ---THORZAIN SURVIVES ALL ;D lol now i got to be carefull of big groups again damn .... never cluster up rule again .. lol

--- End quote ---
All? Even miniguns at 5 hexes? I'm not entirely sure I would have survived.

Lol the absolute darlings minigunned me when I rook a peak at BH lol that was funnny ok maybe not all

Umm you were the guy with Improved Flamer that was sneaking around few days ago?

Not sure though but if yes then The cave dvellers did that and you were gatling'ed, not minigun'ed. :)

nope i just entered into BH when absolute darlings were taking the place ;D  ( yes i know what happens ) and i just entered fought i would fire my desert eagle once for LOLz but i got killed instantly and my leg was blown off lol.

i see.

Well you shoud had at least entered from some sneakier spawnpoint. You woud have opportunity to fire with you gun that way ;)


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