So i decided to make a new suggestion about crafting that will probably change server karma to better,more Pvp,more people and ofcourse more fun...
First about usual Adv. Workbenches...
They aren't special in anyway,the things that you usualy craft there can be already farmed or buyed from merchants so it is kinda useless...We need to make this more interesting,so there would be much more people who would be interested to craft there some HQ stuff and the most important.traps that will be waiting there and that will mean more PVP...fights for hq commponents or stuff,you want good gear? you will gona fight for it...I suggest to remove Adv. workbenches from Gun Runners and from Toxic caves...Add some mutants to mariposa so people won't craft better gear so easy...
If there would be only one adv. workbench (in mariposa) then more people will meet will be much more interesting then now boring and dead...
About Sierra Army it is really useless loc. almost nobody went there,why no make it more interesting? add around this location encounters with sentry bots,give more hp to turrets in siera and most important,add something like an new workbench,something like Autmatic CNC plant like in TLA mk2... and that will bring alot attention i you will can craft the most HQ stuff that you can get in game by different ways...first ofcourse you will need BP and skill to use it perhaps some additonal tools too...
What there should be craftable? i believe that there should be craftable gears like PPK 12 Gauss pistol,bozar,vindicator,BA,CA Enclave,Solar Scorber,Pulse pistol,plasma torch,G11,turbo plasma,gatling laser and M72 gauss rifle.
I believe that this will bring more life to server,people would love to fight for stuff like these,now it is kinda boring and stereotype,waiting in ncr only until some TC or some noobs in Reno apear...this would give reason to players to be more active! There would be many fights in both locations (mariposa and sierra) just to get those HQ stuff...Blueprints for these HQ gear should be obtain from hard quests,maybe something like Gun Runners quest...the most HQ BP's like M72 and Vindicator could be found in special encounters...i know you might think that it will be OP or what but really devs. look how many gausses vindi's and bozar's are in game and who actauly use them in pvp or so? they are just lying in lockers until WIPe cause people are so afraid to lost it,most of them are almost impossible or really hard to get or nobody know anything about them and that isn't gopd,if i would have gun like those i would enjoy it,i would even kill theifs in NCR with it,still better then just having it in locker forever,so i think this changes are really important otherwise those weapons and locations are really pointless...make this server less stereotype,i don't want you to reply all the stuff from TLA,i just want see new things and reasons why fight and enjoy this game...give it at least chance.
How about schematics for some HQ stuff? you do some quests for perhaps Enclave and they will give you
for Gatling laser,then you gona need reources and later u can craft it in sierra...
Motor would be good craft component for Miniguns (cause they need rotate somehow,without motor they probably couldnt...)
component for Turbo plasma,you would get it from quest
component that is needed for HQ ew weapons,you would only get it from sierra computers or from footlockers...
Some EW would need more modules cause of it high tech level...
you can get this from BOS or Enclave,if you would do quests for them... All these gears need more components to get it craft so it would be hard to obtain it and then risk it all in one location...
Also there could be encounters like a car in wasteland where you can get FCC but instead of car there would be some pre war old tech lab center or smothing like that,just some remmants of it where you would have same chance to get modules,components and other stuff,like in encounter with car and FCC...
ALSO the
FOOTLOCKERS would be finaly more interesting,instead of those boring shit like 3 caps or leather jackets there should be some Components! It will be much better i believe...
(btw sorry about my english but i was think about all those ideas not about grammar...)