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Author Topic: New guns and ammo  (Read 13157 times)

New guns and ammo
« on: May 18, 2013, 02:27:56 am »

This is suggestion about new guns and ammo that could be placed on the game,it will be good if something new will apear after long time...
Everything is discutabile...


The Heckler & Koch MP5 (from German: Maschinenpistole 5, "machine pistol model 5") is a 9mm submachine gun of German design, developed in the 1960s by a team of engineers from the German small arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch GmbH (H&K) of Oberndorf am Neckar. There are over 100 variants of the MP5, including a semi-automatic version.

Damage    10 - 19
Single    AP: 4, Range: 30.
Burst    AP: 5, Range: 25, Rounds: 10
Damage type    Normal
Ammo    9mm
Ammo capacity    30
St. required    4
Type    Single-handed
Weight    3500 grams
Base price    1310 caps

Crafting table

Requirements Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 2
1 x wood
2 x Metal parts
1 x Good metal parts
3x Alloys.
Tools  Adv workbench
XP    300

Anti Material Rifle

Can be found only in Howitzer special encounter or Ares? I prefer Howitzer enco...

The M82 is a recoil-operated, semi-automatic anti-materiel rifle developed by the American Barrett Firearms Manufacturing company. A heavy SASR (Special Application Scoped Rifle), it is used by many units and armies around the world. It is also called the "Light Fifty" for its .50 BMG (12.7×99mm NATO) chambering

Damage    50 - 70
Single    AP: 7, Range: 50.
Damage type    Normal
Ammo    .50 BMG
Ammo capacity    10
St. required    7
Type    Two-handed
Weight    13000 grams
Base price    ?? caps
Perk Penetrate

.50 BMG

The .50 Browning Machine Gun (.50 BMG) or 12.7×99mm NATO

AC modifier    -30
DR modifier    -40
Can be obtain from Glow and Ares.

M2 Browning

The M2 Machine Gun or Browning .50 Caliber Machine Gun, is a heavy machine gun designed towards the end of World War I by John Browning.

Damage    40 - 50
Burst    AP: 7, Range: 25, Rounds: 10
Damage type    Normal
Ammo    .50 BMG
Ammo capacity    90
St. required    9
Type    Two-handed
Weight    38700 grams
Base price    ?? caps

Can be obtain from Super Mutants army

Colt .45

The classic Colt M1911 A1. Easy to use, accurate and with tremendous stopping power, this weapon will not let you down.

Damage    13 - 19
Single    AP: 4, Range: 25
Damage type    Normal
Ammo       .45 caliber
Ammo capacity    12
St. required    3
Type    Single-handed
Weight    2500 grams
Base price    1000 caps

This weapon can be found in the following encounters: Mercenaries and Strong Slavers

Crafting table

Requirements Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 1
2 x wood
3 x Metal parts
3x Alloys.
Tools  workbench
XP    200


M79 Grenade Launcher. A single shot grenade launcher.
Damage    25 - 50
Single    AP: 6, Range: 25
Damage type    Explode
Ammo    40mm grenade
Ammo capacity    1
St. required    5
Type    Two-handed
Weight    3800 grams
Base price    1500 caps

Crafting table

Requirements Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 1
4 x wood
3 x Metal parts
2x Alloys.
Tools  workbench
XP    500

40mm Grenade

A grenade ammunition for a grenade launcher.

Crafting table

Requirements    Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 1
5 x Gunpowder
2 x Metal parts
Tools  Workbench
XP    40

M-14 rifle

The M-14 succeeded the M1 Garand as the standard US Army Rifle. It chambered the NATO standard 7.62mm round and like its predecessor, was noted for its reliability and ease of operation.

Damage    10 - 25
Single    AP: 5, Range: 40.
Damage type    Normal
Ammo    .223
Ammo capacity    20
St. required    5
Type    Two-handed
Weight    4082 grams
Base price    800 caps

The M14 can be found in encounter:

Crafting table

Requirements    Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 2
3 x Wood
4 x Alloys
2 x Metal parts
Tools  Workbench
XP  700


The Belgian made M249 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon) was adopted widely in the late 20th Century as a squad level machine gun, vastly increasing the firepower available to individual squads

Damage    25 - 30
Burst    AP: 7, Range: 30, Rounds: 10
Damage type    Normal
Ammo    7.62mm
Ammo capacity    50
St. required    6
Type    Two-handed
Weight    7100 grams
Base price    4700 caps

Crafting table

Requirements    Profession: Gunsmith (Big Guns): 1
8x Metal parts
6x Alloys
Tools    workbench

The M249 can be found in encounter:
NCR Rangers

KRISS Vector

KRISS Vector CRB/SO self-reloading (semi-automatic) carbine is a derivative of the Kriss Super V™ submachine gun,which was recently developed in USA by Transformational Defense Industries

Damage    16 - 25
Single    AP: 5, Range: 30
Burst    AP: 6, Range: 25, Rounds: 12
Damage type    Normal
Ammo    .45 cal
Ammo capacity    36
St. required    4
Type    two-handed
Weight    4175 grams
Base price    2060 caps

Crafting table

Requirements    Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 2
5 x Metal parts
6 x Alloys
4 x Good metal parts
3 x High Quality Alloys
Tools    Adv workbench
XP    1500
« Last Edit: May 18, 2013, 05:50:21 pm by KILL N DIE »
Re: New guns and ammo
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2013, 02:58:43 am »

that would be so nice....



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Re: New guns and ammo
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2013, 03:18:28 am »

Adding more and more guns would make the game more fun.

It's kind of dumb always getting same weapons from PvE...
Back In-Game :D

the underground

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Re: New guns and ammo
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2013, 05:41:25 am »

Ok..... I can kinda get with this with the following changes:

Anti Material Rifle: Make it generally available (not special encounter).
The M-2 .50 BMG machine gun is a fixed-position weapon; To carry it, you have to break it down. NO IT'S NOT LIKE FO:T!!!!  I tried carrying an M-2 with the barrel still on it 100 yards once. I was warnd if I ever did that again, I'd be booked (charged in the military with the equivelent of an infraction). Make it a fixed-only weap (like for bases, etc).
M-14 rifle: It's chambered for the 7.62X51mm, not the .223, 5.56, or .22 (those three are realted, btw).
If you're gonna do a grenade launcher, do the M-203; That way, you have the assault rifle to back you up.
nobody wants him so he just stares at the world
planning the vengeance that he will soon unfurl

Kill A VC For Democracy!!!!
Re: New guns and ammo
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2013, 09:37:30 am »

Well, here goes a fairly detailed and long post because well, hoping for more weapons is semi fantasy land but fun to dream.

MP5: Range lowered to 25 single and 20 burst, it is an smg and hitting things at a fair distance consistently is highly unlikely also switched to small guns 1 because isn't all that great.

M82: Ahh the beautiful weapon, what the Bozar was supposed to be I believe, I would alter it to have a modified scoped perk where the negative modifier starts happening at a higher distance due to the sheer weight and size of the weapon causing difficulties, the penetrating power is already nicely covered by the ammo.  This would also allow the Bozar to be moved from being a special encounter weapon to being expensively craftable or a lvl 24 time consuming quest item.

Browning:  I would increase it's range by 10 but also increase weapon spread where only 1-2 will hit at max range.  Walking only (we actually want to see it used in combat once in awhile and it being a fixed position only would see it only used for building entrance camping or nothing at all)

1911: Range decrease to 20, regardless of your description of accurate I will not be convinced it can shoot accurately at 25, the damage needs to be increased (the 16-25 of the vector actually seems like a good number for it) Basically a tier under the .223 pistol

M79: I agree that it should be switched to the M203, I don't see that weapon being used with those stats in all honesty unless blast radius is increased by 1-2 hexes above the rocket launcher, Also if possible I would add in an ammo that could illuminate (make visible) a few squares for a minute or two using the ground marker round for those that can almost see the area normally in their vision

M14:  I would argue it's ammo should actually be .308 for realities sake as it was an old rifle that was replaced, some are shipped to allies, a few kept for ceremonial purposes but most are sold to companies who re-chamber it to a civilian round.  The .308 is so very similar and has hunting power that it would be the obvious choice.  Damage also increase to 15-25 (Nice middle ground making it between the hunting rifle and the sniper rifle)

M249: No opinion really

Vector:  Lower range as it is once again an SMG, lower action point cost by 1, even if it uses the 45 it has a fantastic anti-recoil design.

Now the way I see it, most of this is fairly balanced out (M82 is probably OP but would be exceptionally rare) and more accurate to real life.

You also get +1 internets for making a very detailed suggestion unlike most of the crap shoveled in here.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2013, 09:41:39 am by Slaver Snipe »


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Re: New guns and ammo
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2013, 09:43:02 am »

There is no reason to make .50 caliber available at Glow as long it can be farmed on mutants.
Also, M72 would make from SG people throwers, which will reduce their class to Plasma and Fire. If you make FastShot perk not work with M79, then it might be balanced out.


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Re: New guns and ammo
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2013, 09:49:19 am »

There is no reason to make .50 caliber available at Glow as long it can be farmed on mutants.
Also, M72 would make from SG people throwers, which will reduce their class to Plasma and Fire. If you make FastShot perk not work with M79, then it might be balanced out.
Yes, only one weapon I guess that could be added would be M79 grenade rifle.
Just make incendiary grenades, and frag ammo for this, and it would be cool.


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Re: New guns and ammo
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2013, 09:55:31 am »

They are looking awesome and they ARE awesome.
Still we don`t need that much new stuff - it woud be cool to have one or two new ones but not whole arsenal.
Scamers: Grimmi
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Re: New guns and ammo
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2013, 10:24:59 am »

Ok I tell you what; everyone that wants to mske the M-2 an assault weapon, go to your nearedt army base and TRY carrying just the bresvh and barrel. Then try firing one. If you STILL don't "get it"thrn good luck in life.
nobody wants him so he just stares at the world
planning the vengeance that he will soon unfurl

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Re: New guns and ammo
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2013, 10:30:05 am »

Ok I tell you what; everyone that wants to mske the M-2 an assault weapon, go to your nearedt army base and TRY carrying just the bresvh and barrel. Then try firing one. If you STILL don't "get it"thrn good luck in life.
We got already not usable weapons in game for PVE and PVP that aren't just efficient compared to its price and weight and ammo it uses, it's also not some kind of shooter but still and rpg, and we don't need shitload of weapons here, its not FoT by the way.
M79 would be just nice suprise to the SG users, but I still look forward to adding weapon perks to smgs and some of bgs, and rebalancing weapon perks overally.


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Re: New guns and ammo
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2013, 10:55:41 am »

Ok I tell you what; everyone that wants to mske the M-2 an assault weapon, go to your nearedt army base and TRY carrying just the bresvh and barrel. Then try firing one. If you STILL don't "get it"thrn good luck in life.

We can make it a turret weapon on a Hummer.

Mike Crosser

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Re: New guns and ammo
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2013, 12:19:25 pm »

Hmm looks good.

Also what about this?


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Re: New guns and ammo
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2013, 01:39:33 pm »

If we could get AKs, i'm all for it, Mike.
Also, a little viral advertisement for Uzi from me.
Re: New guns and ammo
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2013, 03:54:37 pm »

Ok I tell you what; everyone that wants to mske the M-2 an assault weapon, go to your nearedt army base and TRY carrying just the bresvh and barrel. Then try firing one. If you STILL don't "get it"thrn good luck in life.
Dude if you can RUN in fallout with MINIGUN...then why you can't handle a Brwoning? Perhaps if you can't run with M60 then with Browing you shouldn't run too...
And about the .50 BMG ammo... Mutants should have only small nuber of these,so thats why they should be on Glow and Ares,you have some ammo like 5mm in Ares and Glow too and you can farm it from NPC's too so where is problem?...For begin there should be added M79,Colt .45 (finaly a pistol that can use .45 caliber...) and M14 with M249 for NCR army...


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Re: New guns and ammo
« Reply #14 on: May 18, 2013, 04:03:32 pm »

The 10mm SMG is pretty much the Fallout version of a MP5. I think the Uzi would go much better.

Bozar = Anti-materie*l Rifle.

The M249 uses 7.62, right? or maybe 5,56? (sorry I am not a big gun nut) But my point is, the M60 and LSW are already there...

And why add AK-47 when we already have AK-112? I know the AK-47 pic looks cooler, but still.

* * *

Anyway, if it's about adding new weapons, I think it'd be nice to not only include new kinds of weapons (for example a grenade launcher), but also more variety for, say, the already existing ammo calibers, and different upgraded versions of already existing weapons, etc.

Some thoughts:

-A .45 pistol, with pretty much the same stats as the Grease Gun, but you can't burst with it (already mentioned Colt .45)

-Some sort of AK-112U, basically a 5mm SMG (check out the graphics in this NMA thread)

-Assault Rifle, Kobra-sighted. Adds the perk Scoped, or Accurate, to the weapon.

-Modified Turret Gun (yeah would need a pic). Simply an inferior minigun, with less bullets per burst (less damage). I thought it could be crafted by the player using wood, metal, junk and a "salvaged turret gun item" you can loot from some turrets and buy at the NCR robed guy surrounded by junk, and similar NPCs (to make it easier for low level characters to get it - new noob BG weapon).

I think adding new end-game weapons is ok but adding weaker noob weapons would be interesting too because, if NPCs use them, it would be easier for low level characters to defeat enemy NPCs instead of running away from raiders and sticking to rats and shit. In Fallout Tactics you were given a MP5 and being still level 1 you could go against enemy raiders because they were using weaker weapons.
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