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Author Topic: On character traits and perks  (Read 1836 times)

On character traits and perks
« on: May 13, 2013, 11:30:58 am »

This will be the first in a series of suggestions all aimed at increasing the variation and number of possible character builds and play styles. More to come in the future.

Well while they're far better than they use to be, there are still a couple perks that I think can stand a little bit buffing and changing. I am not familiar with every single build out there, but I do my own theorycrafting and have heard things. So if there is something I'm wildly wrong about in the usefulness of some perk or trait, don't be afraid to correct/inform me.

All numbers are variable, so avoid saying "Thats OP" if it is just a matter of numbers being too high. It is the base ideas that matter or are interesting.

I don't know how feasible it is in the current system, but I also wouldn't mind seeing just flat new perks and traits. If an idea is good, but the original doesn't need updating, I wouldn't mind seeing some of these ideas as just standalone additions. I'll make a small list of ideas that aren't tied to anything at the very end.

Traits (I'll give a list of buffs(marked with dashes), and then a list of malices(marked with asterisks). Pair them together as seen best.

Perks. Like traits all numbers are variable, it is the general ideas that matter. I'll give a short list of possible ideas, it is not intended for all parts to be implemented obviously

Finally, new perk/trait suggestions that aren't based on themes/ideas centering around current ones (although I wouldn't mind seeing some of the ideas suggested above implemented as their own independent perk or trait, many of them can fit down here as well.) Most of these are aimed at making new builds/styles viable or available.

More to come in the future. If devs could share as well things that are coding limitations that would very nice.
Re: On character traits and perks
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2013, 05:17:54 pm »

Didn't read, but good idea. :)
I mean we need more variety of course. And I'm still for buffing critical HtH users(not the knockdown heavy handed guys).
About Gain SPECIAL: You've got this, or you've got action boy(+1 AP which is basically +2 SPECIAL) or weapon handling(also acts as +2 SPECIAL, you don't care about carry weight with fighting builds) Why would anyone take Gain SPECIAL, really? Do something with those perks or remove them :P.
Re: On character traits and perks
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2013, 08:42:00 am »

how about a trait (DeathSpay) it allows wider splash dmg from mini guns and avengers etc. but give 10% to who ever it hits
Re: On character traits and perks
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2013, 02:46:57 am »

Perhaps allow the Mutate Perk as many times as Gain SPECIAL is available.

Each time you can add, remove, or change a trait.

If available starting at Lv3, you could add 8 traits!

Or just use it to get rid of Finesse on a messed up build.

Adding a bunch of traits would at least be fun for RP.
I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.


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Re: On character traits and perks
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2013, 07:21:00 pm »

I managed to read through your fantasies unlike others. Perks/Traits add variability to character building which is always a good thing, but the more perks/traits you got, the harder it is to balance them. And 2238 doesnt have the devpower to attend perk/traits balancing at the moment.

Bruiser is good for non-combat alts, where you dont need APs, but more SPECIAL helps. You stated correctly that it doesnt help close combat chars. But I fear that in current state of close combat chars, your bruiser proposition would only promote bs hth trolls.

Skilled is as well as bruiser good for non-combat alts where perks are not an issue. Honestly, your proposition wouldnt change a thing if you insist on perk reducing and if you want to reduce non-tagged skills gain, it would make this trait a must-have.

One-hander helps min-maxed characters where every skillpoints squeezed in help. On the side note, it just promotes dedicated alts. You need to find out better solution than those you suggested, they are more or less the same.

Kamikaze seems ok to me, talking about fixing something that isnt broken is weird.

Jinxed should go, its just for trolling.

Bloody Mess is useless, but harmless. I dont know how did you come up with reflect damage in relation of this trait, it just doesnt make sense.

Gain SPECIAL is bad perk, because there are only 8 perks to choose from and such it makes a waste of perk. +2 is nonsense, over 10 is OKish.  Imo Gain perks should be available from lvl 3.

Blessed are the weak is OK, I wouldnt really merge it with current LA

Living Anatomy I would make that +5 dmg able to crit, so it might be interesting for single shotters. But then again, JovankaB? mentioned that it shouldnt be a combat perk. Maybe remove +5 dmg and then merge it with BatW

Healer seems boring to me, you can completely replace it with more skill points in FA. I liked your suggestions with temportal DR/DT buff or being able to heal someone with ongoing cooldown.

Fast Reload + Quick Pockets
together yes, but no Quick Recovery. Quick Recovery is decent itself.

is weak, I agree. Livewire should be 2,5x AGI, dodger 25 and dodger+ 30 AC.

Stonewall - Personally, I like how it needs 6 STR so you need to make a compromise if you want to take it. The problem is there arent many guns with high STR requirement and when I say high, I mean really high - 8/9/10. Then it would make sense to raise STR so high and get this perk along.

Demolition man - more love for grenades wouldnt hurt. Bigger AoE sounds good, they would have their role.

Weapon master is too much work if you ask me.

Radiated is a big NO. If the radiation doses will be small, theres no point to take it, if high, it would annoy the hell out of players. Anything that involves radiation is going to be sooner or later abused by trolls.

Chaotic Damage
- I really like this one, though, it can be very hard to balance.

Endless walker has fancy name, but the trade-off is really high, I cant imagine why would anyone take it.

Fickle Luck reminds me an inverted Jinxed. Cant say if the game would benefit from having this trait.

One with the pack - Dont like this one. You get something for nothing, ideal deal for trolls. Gather several dogs, unleash them in town, PROFIT.

Penny-Pincher is good one. Can be interesting with guns with small magazines.
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[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing
Re: On character traits and perks
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2013, 10:30:07 pm »

You hit perfectly upon some of my own thoughts (particularly about the skilled trait) but others you are a little to ambiguous. I've said a couple times, but many ideas I'll throw out even if I don't care for them if only because it might inspire something different. And I would agree that most of these are probably fantasy ideas that the devs would never implement...but I can still hope.

Can you mention some of these "troll builds" and what makes them troll builds? Because I'm not particularly seeing how some of them like the DR reduction for hth with bruiser, at most the 3rd option but just having a crippler hth isn't at all really a "trolling" build imo.

Many of the things I promoted were ones that would hopefully put less emphasis on the skill points (with the exception of the skilled perk suggestion.) As you said yourself, the one hander trait currently is used for alts and people who are trying to min/max their skill points, which is frankly very boring. Hence the suggestions like +/- attack range which would have an affect all the way to level 24 even, and be independent of boring skill % numbers.

The idea that came to mind for bloody mess was the idea of just causing damage all around, spilling a lot of extra blood on both sides (hence reflect) at least that was the inspiration and I admit it is very different from the original.

I would second the gain SPECIAL perks at least being moved to level 3 or 6. It is a very good idea and start.

As far as all of the AC perks/traits, I have problems/opinions about AC builds general, but those are mostly more personal and I know there are a very few builds that can make use of them. I think it would be better to first address AC and its purpose and then determine what to do with the traits and perks for it. But that is worth a whole different thread on its own.

I suggest stonewall being lowered, because there are enough decent perks for it to compete with as it is, so having to go out of your way for SPECIAL seems like overkill.

I figure for radiation, something like 0.75% per punch (4.75 or so with 2ap punches) and then perhaps a 3-5% to your killer if you die at point blank range. That would be enough to start lowing SPECIAL, and only if you actually manage to get all of your punches off. I'm skeptical of the dying part, and the "to your killer only" would be meant to slow/stop the troll builds.

One with the pack was just more of a spur of the moment idea that came to mind. I mainly had the thought to promote companion builds in some way. More work is need obviously, but considering it would be a level 15 or 18 perk (which are typically very valuable) and that dogs normally cost only 50caps otherwise I believe, it just means you don't have to constantly go to the otherside of the worldmap to rebuy dogs if thats what you're into.
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