Other > Suggestions
New tools
We have tools for repair, and lockpick sets for lockpicking, now we need tools for traps and science. Possibly a steel rod for bear traps, or maybe just use a crowbar. Item text for a rod could be "A light but durable steel rod. Used for poking things." It could give +50% traps, but only for bear traps. Also, wire cutters, to add +50% with frag mines. The item text for this could be "These sharp cutters are for cutting the little red wire in bombs." Now, for science. An item to increase your science could be a big book of science, which adds 50% to your science. Just some ideas here. Let me know opinions.
the underground:
awesome idea, a step against int 10 skilled alts
Mike Crosser:
Good suggestion is good.
Wood poles could be used for disarming traps. Once.
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