Other > Suggestions

Farming in Outpost base

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the underground:
And here I was just trying to mske it easier to implment...... ;D

Okay, okay, sorry. ;D

Also, bump thread with option of planting mutated potatoes. TU, what might you say about it?

the underground:

--- Quote from: Alvarez on May 17, 2013, 08:44:34 am ---Okay, okay, sorry. ;D

Also, bump thread with option of planting mutated potatoes. TU, what might you say about it?

--- End quote ---
Not hating it, but why? Feed brahmin? Make tv dinner? ???

I expected you'd say MUTATOES, but you can bake them in fire, eat and sell them. Or use as ammo.

I suggest changing the name of this subforum from "Suggestions" to "Alvarez and Metro" :-*


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