Other > Suggestions
Farming in Outpost base
Awesome ideas you have there, guys. :D
And poisonous ivy can be weeded out with a Flamer, no? ;)
could be with flamer, of course this all is just pure speculation
--- Quote from: the underground on May 01, 2013, 08:17:10 am ---SPORE PLANTS TOO?! Awedome!
I think really, if you take proper care of them the plants should be producing more and more often, but the hell with, at leadt my albatross will fibally die.
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Oh no... I sure hope this is a joke. The spore plant merc suggestion is famous for its stupidity and trolliability. Lets hope you don't get made fun of too much. The last guy that suggested this nearly killed himself.
Also, whats with the D's instead of S's and N's?
the underground:
--- Quote from: Gimper on May 06, 2013, 04:09:24 am ---Oh no... I sure hope this is a joke. The spore plant merc suggestion is famous for its stupidity and trolliability. Lets hope you don't get made fun of too much. The last guy that suggested this nearly killed himself.
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Ok, I REALLY don't want to know about "spore plant mercs." But no, I'm seriousl in so far as I want to grow a spore plant; I just like spore plant spikes if I could grow the plant I could kill them and take their spikes....... Unless the devs have a better idea (maybe, ala Setmour?).....
--- Quote from: Gimper on May 06, 2013, 04:09:24 am ---Also, whats with the D's instead of S's and N's?
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When I post from my cellphone, sometimes it decides I want d's instread of s's. etc. THEN, I have to choose do I backspace over EVERYTHING to fix it or do I leave it fucked up...... You see the decision I made.
My wife complains about that too, and it used to be her phone.
Gardening +1.
The ability for us to build our own farm and manage gardens where useful things can be grown that yield some resources sure sounds good to me. Maybe include irrigation so each fertile tile must be watered.
And yes to spore plant mercs lol.
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