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Author Topic: Make it so that Idling doesn't hurt so much.  (Read 4688 times)

Re: Make it so that Idling doesn't hurt so much.
« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2013, 05:05:26 pm »

On the other hand, worldmap could be nerfed even more. It's still too safe.
Are you paid by russian-mafia in order to support russian servers more?
Anyone who says idler needs to go should represent a cheat-proof mechanic that makes fastrelog impossible. Even idler isn't cheat proof, but so far there are only 2 ways to prevent it and both can be looked into.

Jesus. Shut the server down so there will be no pvp and no evil cheat0rz. Oh wait there is no pvp anyway, no need to shut down the server, fair players are safe.
Or make something like that on player login:
I bet there are more or equally extreme ways to deal with fast relog or dual log. The question is: will anyone bother?


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Re: Make it so that Idling doesn't hurt so much.
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2013, 06:20:29 pm »

I believe it serves the benefit of russian mafia equally well that players spend their time on woldmap than offgame.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Make it so that Idling doesn't hurt so much.
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2013, 06:28:46 pm »

I think we're going a little offtopic here :) If I wanted to make players spend less time on world map I'd boost the WM speed. Wouldn't call that a nerf, though. :P


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Re: Make it so that Idling doesn't hurt so much.
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2013, 08:12:18 pm »

There are some small improvements possible, but nothing spectacular.
There is no anti-cheat / anti-abuse measures that wouldn't cause at least
a little pain for honest people. It's like with healing drugs - they heal but
every real drug also has side effects. It's just a matter of picking the best
solution for our situation.

Our situation is that we can't afford GMs online keeping track of players
all the time and we can't afford some client-side protection that would
be a never ending time consuming arms race against cheaters.

With the points above in mind, if you propose removal of Idler, you need
to propose an alternative that would be as effective against fast relog, with
less side-effects for honest players. If you don't propose anything better,
- and I mean real solution, written down and described in details, then
talking about it is pointless and Idler will stay.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2013, 08:18:06 pm by JovankaB »

Mike Crosser

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Re: Make it so that Idling doesn't hurt so much.
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2013, 08:17:33 pm »

Our situation is that we can't afford GMs online keeping track of players
all the time

Is this due to the lack of possible candidates or something else?


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Re: Make it so that Idling doesn't hurt so much.
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2013, 08:22:47 pm »

Dunno, but GM isn't a solution for fast relog anyway.
You have 3 minutes to react (and you must be online monitoring players all the time)
and it's problematic to prove anything to someone who just logged off.

More importantly, it's impossible to tell what is and what isn't "legit" fast relog, because
the timer was removed.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2013, 08:24:54 pm by JovankaB »
Re: Make it so that Idling doesn't hurt so much.
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2013, 08:33:23 pm »

Thanks for answering. I see we're constantly being dragged to fast relog there, so may I ask, how does receiving an idling penalty through visiting a base help against fast reloggers?
Remember - I don't suggest to remove idling, this:
small improvements
is what I'm actually looking for in this topic :)


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Re: Make it so that Idling doesn't hurt so much.
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2013, 08:36:53 pm »

If idling timer wouldn't increase in places where you can camp 100% safely, you could keep there a multilogged PvP alt.
I feel like all of this was explained already somewhere in the foum...

Mike Crosser

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Re: Make it so that Idling doesn't hurt so much.
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2013, 08:37:39 pm »

Dunno, but GM isn't a solution for fast relog anyway.
You have 3 minutes to react (and you must be online monitoring players all the time)
and it's problematic to prove anything to someone who just logged off.

More importantly, it's impossible to tell what is and what isn't "legit" fast relog, because
the timer was removed.
Now this might just be me talking stupid shit from being tired out from a long day but:
How about an Alt limit?Everybody gets 5 characters that they can make and remake.
Suggested millions of times before,i know,but hey it gives some promise.

Yeah wouldn't really help since proxies exist but it would give some delay to it.
Besides by the time a person moves all of his alts to the combat zone the battle will be half way done so FRing wouldn't really pay off.

As for the GMs thing:
Well it would be nice to hire a few more of them,just for events and "lulz".
Just get a few clowns to make crazy shit once every few weeks to keep players interested and always looking forward to something (next month there could be a redo of the old easter event for example).
Re: Make it so that Idling doesn't hurt so much.
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2013, 09:25:04 pm »

If idling timer wouldn't increase in places where you can camp 100% safely, you could keep there a multilogged PvP alt.
I feel like all of this was explained already somewhere in the foum...
Yeah, that's what I thought, it's just that you only mentioned fast relogs. I consider fast relogging and dual logging two different issues that should be solved separately.
However you managed to solve both of those issues by introducing one feature - Idling. My idea is to make it a little less painful. What we're talking about here is stuff like increasing the immunity cooldown, so you could deal with dressing your avatar up with more comfort or creating a system that determines if the player is truly idling in the base.
Re: Make it so that Idling doesn't hurt so much.
« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2013, 02:51:53 am »

Had an idea to make idler obsolete, at least for TC.
Dunno about FR situations in other combat zones tho..I think the issue is most annoying in TC as the feature gets bashed by players doing TC mostly.
Anyway check it out:,28975.0.html
Re: Make it so that Idling doesn't hurt so much.
« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2013, 04:56:45 pm »

Funny fact:
players found a way to bypass the Idler feature. They moved 90% of PvP to tents. You can't become an Idler here and you can fast relog freely...
Re: Make it so that Idling doesn't hurt so much.
« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2013, 05:15:00 pm »

Funny fact:
players found a way to bypass the Idler feature. They moved 90% of PvP to tents. You can't become an Idler here and you can fast relog freely...

So now, we got tent control then ;D

Don't wanna give the impression of being another "one alt crusader" like DocAn, but have you checked out my town control suggestion yet?
I'd really appreciate some feedback from some experienced PvPers and/or devs, just wanna know if that could work or not.
Re: Make it so that Idling doesn't hurt so much.
« Reply #28 on: April 28, 2013, 05:43:19 pm »

I don't see the point of setting mechanics in motion which aren't able to enforce the rules.

Idling is like applying bandages to a deep wound what is bleeding internally merely covering the surface of the real problem.

Remove Idling and allow freely to dual log, don't declare rules which can't be enforced by existing solutions. Then at least honest players won't be discriminated in any way, everything will be a legitimate strategy and there won't be anyone to call a cheater, nor there will be necessity for game masters.

Of course until a proper solution is implemented.

Let's be honest, the game was more alive without Idling, there was the upside of alts that fights were longer and more interesting.

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