We've got like 7 players on TS willing to visit 2238 for action if TC starts. Someone says that the enemy has started the timer in Den, so we go from our base near New Reno by cars. Few didn't have drugs on their chars so they visit the base near Den, while the rest is already on worldmap, getting sucked into encounters like every minute. Already annoying. Ok, all go to worldmap and we prepare to spawn on south.
From 7 guys, only 4 spawn on south because three others were caught into the encounter the moment they were about to enter the town. That's already about 10-20 seconds of being totally vulnerable to any attack because your team is split in half. Ok, now we've got full team, few guys realise that they have IDLER just because they have spent too much time taking drugs inside the base. Fuck it, we attack and succeed, but those guys with IDLER couldn't even properly shoot the enemy. Is that what you wanted?
ofc we could wait on worldmap, getting sucked into more encounters for more annoyance, but you need to understand that timing in TC is very important. If you wait too long, there might be another team on worldmap that got ready to spawn behind you. Spawning earlier gives you an advantage, but idler crap complicates it.
No duallogging or fastrelogging involved.
That's only for 7 players, imagine preparing any bigger battle.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9yH0O7mBd4This would be impossible to happen.
Not even for swarms, but for individual players also; you want to get somewhere fast and have action, but you can't ! wait for idler. if you stayed in base it slows you for almost 3 minutes, if you stay on worldmap it annoys you by throwing you into encounters, the only option is to farm or stay inside pvp location but what the fuck you could there, in this game?
Broken pvp. When I said in another topic that "if there is no pvp, there are no pvp cheaters also" I wasn't even that serious, but it seems it's just happened. Enjoy ded gaem, hey.
I'm feeling like I'm wasting my time here but ok, you wanted an opinion why these bu...features suck, why they are clumsy and annoying, you got it.