Other > Closed suggestions

Tactical Town Control

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Tc Is cool as it is now, the reward system should be changed, and things to do in towns, rest is good.


--- Quote from: davrot on April 29, 2013, 04:49:37 pm ---I'm a guy who only plays PvE and here's how PvP should be.

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1. That's not what I wrote.
2. It is a suggestion about general process of TC battles in which no fast relog would be needed, NOT "how PvP should be"
3. If you know so much about PvP, why don't you analyse the suggestion and say something relevant, like whether it could work or whether it would be fun for you as PvPer?

--- Quote from: davrot on April 29, 2013, 04:49:37 pm ---There's always a way.

--- End quote ---

Right. I'll cut some of the introduction. It will still be long.

--- Quote from: Tomowolf on April 29, 2013, 04:56:49 pm ---Tc Is cool as it is now, the reward system should be changed, and things to do in towns, rest is good.

--- End quote ---

You didn't even read what the suggestion adresses, did you?


If you don't like the ideas write what exactly about them you don't like. If you think it's not doable in terms of PvP gameplay, write what exactly doesn't fit. If you don't want to read my long text then don't write anything. But no snippy remarks with no arguments whatsoever please.


You didn't even read what the suggestion adresses, did you?


If you don't like the ideas write what exactly about them you don't like. If you think it's not doable in terms of PvP gameplay, write what exactly doesn't fit. If you don't want to read my long text then don't write anything. But no snippy remarks with no arguments whatsoever please.
I've read that, that just plain theory, which will fail, obviously with this playerbase, and players will abuse the feature enough, to get something from it.
I've been in many TCs, and the current system is cool for newbies along with pr0s.
Just some timed windows are needed, and more TC towns, and more activities, thats all.


--- Quote from: Tomowolf on April 29, 2013, 05:14:19 pm ---I've read that, that just plain theory, which will fail, obviously with this playerbase, and players will abuse the feature enough, to get something from it.

--- End quote ---

I put a lot of thought into it, especially in terms of exploits. Could you please point out where there are abusable weaknesses in the system I suggested?
Rewards system is another topic.
Timed windows I don't know about. I gather they were part of an old TC system, what exactly was their function?


--- Quote from: BLDYMSS on April 29, 2013, 05:19:51 pm ---I put a lot of thought into it, especially in terms of exploits. Could you please point out where there are abusable weaknesses in the system I suggested?
Rewards system is another topic.
Timed windows I don't know about. I gather they were part of an old TC system, what exactly was their function?

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First thing : Players only want reward, they won't fight themselves for nothing.
Problems - Respawn points - that's just not cool way how battles would work, and maps would need to be revisited, + many scripts involved into this thing (So if it even go trough the voice of DEV team, it wouldn't be added in 1 or 2 years).


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