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Pvp Laser rifle crit build

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I'm allways against <10 luck for aimed shooters. Thats 4% crit you lose. I would say take 2 intelligence for 202 wep skill, but you wont be able to take sharpshooter as a lvl 9 perk then.
You don't have more criticals, and you dont have finesse, so i think these 4% is very important. 76% to eyes -20% from helmet and usually -10% from bonehead and maybe even -10% from man of steel can leave you at 56% (Rbte), which is kind of low for crit build.

Another thing i allways say is, you dont need to be able to see farther than you can shoot. You have 50 sight, and laser rifle has 45 range. If you take 1 point from PE, you will have 47 sights. Since you have a crit build and not a crip build, you may even be using plasma rifle alot, which would further justify lowering PE.

--- Quote from: Shoutaxeror on April 24, 2013, 03:22:27 pm ---I thought maybe lower 2 points in Agility

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12 AP means two shots for you. I dont think this is where you should subtract.


If I were to choose EW over SG, I'd go for tankiness to compensate for the range loss.
Here is what I mean:

This is already fully drugged: jet, buffout, cigs, nuka.
First my doubts: I don't know if you could take "Even More Critical" without "More Critical" - FCP let me do it so here it is; loner is not necessary, you could as well take Bloody Mess.
Second, what do I like about this build? Almost instant two shots(laser rifle): 11 AP(requires 12 AP, makes almost no difference, especially when you're so tanky); TANKINESS, 256 HP, 10 EN(on drugs), 10 LK; maximum hit chance if the wiki doesn't lie(if it totally doesn't lie 207% EW would be enough, though I went for more just in cause); standard in pvp builds: minimal ability to heal crippled limbs(100% doctor); 80% critical chance in eyes(not couting the overpowered BG perks in :/ probably want to shoot other parts of the body as Tomo said). The missing 5% barely makes a difference.

--- Quote from: C.H.A.R.L.I.E on April 24, 2013, 07:50:33 pm ---I'm allways against >10 luck for aimed shooters.

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You mean <10.

Yeah, fixed. I don't like tank build with -15% DR though.

That's some pain caused by jet. Wouldn't say it's a full tank build of course, it's just tanky. Actually lots of HP helps you survive, if you carry a lot of superstims :) So the -DR doesn't make a big difference here, needs testing though. Besides, LK+EN help against criticals a little.

Yeah, but you have to imagine cases; a BRD MRD BG will kill you in 2, sometimes 1 burst at around 10-15 hex. And if he doesent kill you in 1, taking stims will just postpone the inevitable. A SG sniper will outrange you and probably have higher %Crit, and the original build posted will shoot faster than you and have a +15% bonus on his crits, which will happen because you have neither bonehead nor man of steel.

I just think those extra HP is pointless with -15% dmg res. No, the original build is pretty good, but it is my opinion that 10 Luck is mandatory for a crit build.

Your build should take pyscho, have even tougher instead of sharpshooter, more crit instead of weapon handling, 2 int, 10 endurance, 10 agi, 6 PE, 2 str, and use plasma pistol/rifle.


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