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Author Topic: Pvp Laser rifle crit build  (Read 6891 times)

Pvp Laser rifle crit build
« on: April 24, 2013, 03:22:27 pm »

Do you think this build would be useful in pvp ?!id=9066
It uses jet, psycho, buffout, nuka and cigs.
I thought maybe lower 2 points in Agility, and spend them in Luck, Perception or Intelligence.

Please do not spam this thread and hold your hormones back, just tell me what would be the weaknesses of this build in pvp.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2013, 03:24:47 pm by Shoutaxeror »


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Re: Pvp Laser rifle crit build
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2013, 03:24:58 pm »

Do you think this build would be useful in pvp ?!id=9066
I thought maybe lower 2 points in Agility, and spend them in Luck, Perception or Intelligence.

Please do not spam this thread and hold your hormones back, just tell me what would be the weaknesses of this build in pvp.
First thing, sorry for being rude, but SG sniper is just better, by having those "5" more range, and doing slighty less damage, but dealing same ko's etc.
I would just lower st by 1 , leave pe as it is, take drugs and have fun :-).
Re: Pvp Laser rifle crit build
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2013, 03:33:51 pm »

First thing, sorry for being rude, but SG sniper is just better, by having those "5" more range, and doing slighty less damage, but dealing same ko's etc.
I would just lower st by 1 , leave pe as it is, take drugs and have fun :-).
You're not being rude. I edited what drugs I would use for this one. 5 hexes less, but some HP and no negative damage resistance (psycho). Is it worth doing ?


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Re: Pvp Laser rifle crit build
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2013, 03:40:30 pm »

You're not being rude. I edited what drugs I would use for this one. 5 hexes less, but some HP and no negative damage resistance (psycho). Is it worth doing ?
With using weapons like Laser Rifle or Sniper Rifle, perk sharpshooter gives nice advantage, and aprox you should have 7 PE(47) for energy sniper, and 8/9 PE (50/53)  for SG sniper.
Most people take bonehead, so crit in groin would be better than head if you're not willing to take "RbtE" perk.


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Re: Pvp Laser rifle crit build
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2013, 06:52:59 pm »

It looks like a very strong EW sniper build to me (but avoid using Psycho for a sniper). On [the other] drugs, you have 92% chance to crit eyes (95% all other targets). Almost exactly, this is my EW sniper's build, except i have 2x Action Boys instead of 2x Lifegivers. I was so happy with this build, i made three of them, the only time i ever leveled multiple copies of any build.

What Tomo said: later, i leveled a specialty SG sniper with max range too. The additional range is a big plus, and the reduced damage doesn't matter (just like Tomo said) because he goes for crits.

I say good job on a strong EW build. Build 'em how you like 'em though and don't let anyone shovel poo on your build ideas.
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.
Re: Pvp Laser rifle crit build
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2013, 07:50:33 pm »

I'm allways against <10 luck for aimed shooters. Thats 4% crit you lose. I would say take 2 intelligence for 202 wep skill, but you wont be able to take sharpshooter as a lvl 9 perk then.
You don't have more criticals, and you dont have finesse, so i think these 4% is very important. 76% to eyes -20% from helmet and usually -10% from bonehead and maybe even -10% from man of steel can leave you at 56% (Rbte), which is kind of low for crit build.

Another thing i allways say is, you dont need to be able to see farther than you can shoot. You have 50 sight, and laser rifle has 45 range. If you take 1 point from PE, you will have 47 sights. Since you have a crit build and not a crip build, you may even be using plasma rifle alot, which would further justify lowering PE.

I thought maybe lower 2 points in Agility
12 AP means two shots for you. I dont think this is where you should subtract.

« Last Edit: April 24, 2013, 07:59:10 pm by C.H.A.R.L.I.E »
Re: Pvp Laser rifle crit build
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2013, 07:54:57 pm »

If I were to choose EW over SG, I'd go for tankiness to compensate for the range loss.
Here is what I mean:

This is already fully drugged: jet, buffout, cigs, nuka.
First my doubts: I don't know if you could take "Even More Critical" without "More Critical" - FCP let me do it so here it is; loner is not necessary, you could as well take Bloody Mess.
Second, what do I like about this build? Almost instant two shots(laser rifle): 11 AP(requires 12 AP, makes almost no difference, especially when you're so tanky); TANKINESS, 256 HP, 10 EN(on drugs), 10 LK; maximum hit chance if the wiki doesn't lie(if it totally doesn't lie 207% EW would be enough, though I went for more just in cause); standard in pvp builds: minimal ability to heal crippled limbs(100% doctor); 80% critical chance in eyes(not couting the overpowered BG perks in :/ probably want to shoot other parts of the body as Tomo said). The missing 5% barely makes a difference.

I'm allways against >10 luck for aimed shooters.
You mean <10.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2013, 07:58:25 pm by Floodnik »
Re: Pvp Laser rifle crit build
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2013, 08:02:39 pm »

Yeah, fixed. I don't like tank build with -15% DR though.
Re: Pvp Laser rifle crit build
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2013, 08:06:44 pm »

That's some pain caused by jet. Wouldn't say it's a full tank build of course, it's just tanky. Actually lots of HP helps you survive, if you carry a lot of superstims :) So the -DR doesn't make a big difference here, needs testing though. Besides, LK+EN help against criticals a little.
Re: Pvp Laser rifle crit build
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2013, 08:18:55 pm »

Yeah, but you have to imagine cases; a BRD MRD BG will kill you in 2, sometimes 1 burst at around 10-15 hex. And if he doesent kill you in 1, taking stims will just postpone the inevitable. A SG sniper will outrange you and probably have higher %Crit, and the original build posted will shoot faster than you and have a +15% bonus on his crits, which will happen because you have neither bonehead nor man of steel.

I just think those extra HP is pointless with -15% dmg res. No, the original build is pretty good, but it is my opinion that 10 Luck is mandatory for a crit build.

Your build should take pyscho, have even tougher instead of sharpshooter, more crit instead of weapon handling, 2 int, 10 endurance, 10 agi, 6 PE, 2 str, and use plasma pistol/rifle.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2013, 09:43:24 pm by C.H.A.R.L.I.E »
Re: Pvp Laser rifle crit build
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2013, 08:37:44 pm »

2 prototypes of groin laser rifle shooter (I still want to be a "sniper")

-"Tanky" one using buffout, nuka and cigs (92% chance of shooting in the groin)

-Extreme druggy one using jet, psycho, buffout, nuka and cigs (95% chance of shooting in the groin)

(Edit : screens changed)
« Last Edit: April 24, 2013, 08:40:30 pm by Shoutaxeror »
Re: Pvp Laser rifle crit build
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2013, 08:38:31 pm »

Are BGs so overpowered that they deal ~250 dmg in one burst? Thought it's possible only on point blank burst. Dunno, haven't done serious PvP in some time :P Maybe you're right.
But I still have something to defend myself. First, you assume that BG is in the range of shooting, count in the fact that I have a few free shoots for him before he approaches.
SG sniper indeed does outrange me, but that's a very slight difference. I just need to run a circle around and I'll see him :P Then the tankiness could maybe do its job.
About the original build, first, shooting faster but... 1 AP, man. That's like nothing. Second, the +15% bonus on crits, where did you pull it out? :D There's no such thing. We have the same critical chance if he takes 10 LK. I think I would win in a duel honestly :P

Again let me repeat that I don't wanna build a full tank, just a sniper featuring some tankiness.
Re: Pvp Laser rifle crit build
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2013, 09:15:45 pm »

@Shoutaxeror i dont know.... sniper should shoot eyes. I'd go with the first build, but modified with 10 luck. If i had to chose one of the others, i'd take the 2nd one, but take a point from str or PE and go for bonehead, since i see you have a trait left. You will have easy 95% groin shoot anyway, and bonehead gives you an edge vs snipers.

@Floodnik: PvP builds are all about min-maxing. a 256 hp -15% dr is not minmaxed, its broken. Ok im sorry for putting it like that, but that's how i feel.
 The 15% was refering to damage, but i was wrong, since the original build is EW, not normal damage.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2013, 09:20:07 pm by C.H.A.R.L.I.E »
Re: Pvp Laser rifle crit build
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2013, 09:44:54 pm »

@Floodnik: PvP builds are all about min-maxing.
You've got a point here but I wouldn't put it exactly that way :P There's a lot of balance you have to introduce, a lot of dillemas to deal with using compromises. The "min" part is always about charisma, sometimes BG builds take 1 LK(which seems bad now, happened in the past often though), snipers usually minimise strenght.

Actually I see a way to compensate the -15% dr which I didn't consider before - psycho(non-standard way for snipers). If I took one point from ST and put it into PE, ST would stay the same with psycho, PE would just fall by one, which is totally OK in this case! 7 PE + sharpshooter + 220% EW is still maximum hit chance on Laser Rifle's range(if I'm not completely wrong).

It wouldn't be a totally min-maxed tank you want, that would require anti-crit perks and toughnesses. But don't forget I'm still aiming for a sniper build.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2013, 09:46:26 pm by Floodnik »
Re: Pvp Laser rifle crit build
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2013, 10:16:00 pm »

Yep, making basically the same build as OP, only wih -1ap in exchange for 28 hp, and 1 less strength for 1 more int. In terms of CTH, +1 str will give more than +1 int because above 200 48 extra SP doesent translate into +20 skill (only+16), which is the loss from each inadequate strength point. You get doc, but you lose 7 CW and 1 hp.

Anyway, the last lifegiver means you lose 10% (helmet), 15%(+bonehead), or 20%(++MoS) crit chance on your eye\head shots from not having RBTE. Is that worth it for a sniper?

« Last Edit: April 24, 2013, 11:50:55 pm by C.H.A.R.L.I.E »
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