Other > Suggestions

Make it so that Idling doesn't hurt so much.

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We've got like 7 players on TS willing to visit 2238 for action if TC starts. Someone says that the enemy has started the timer in Den, so we go from our base near New Reno by cars. Few didn't have drugs on their chars so they visit the base near Den, while the rest is already on worldmap, getting sucked into encounters like every minute. Already annoying. Ok, all go to worldmap and we prepare to spawn on south.

From 7 guys, only 4 spawn on south because three others were caught into the encounter the moment they were about to enter the town. That's already about 10-20 seconds of being totally vulnerable to any attack because your team is split in half. Ok, now we've got full team, few guys realise that they have IDLER just because they have spent too much time taking drugs inside the base. Fuck it, we attack and succeed, but those guys with IDLER couldn't even properly shoot the enemy. Is that what you wanted?

ofc we could wait on worldmap, getting sucked into more encounters for more annoyance, but you need to understand that timing in TC is very important. If you wait too long, there might be another team on worldmap that got ready to spawn behind you.  Spawning earlier gives you an advantage, but idler crap complicates it.

No duallogging or fastrelogging involved.

That's only for 7 players, imagine preparing any bigger battle.
This would be impossible to happen.

Not even for swarms, but for individual players also; you want to get somewhere fast and have action, but you can't ! wait for idler. if you stayed in base it slows you for almost 3 minutes, if you stay on worldmap it annoys you by throwing you into encounters, the only option is to farm or stay inside pvp location but what the fuck you could there, in this game?

Broken pvp. When I said in another topic that "if there is no pvp, there are no pvp cheaters also" I wasn't even that serious, but it seems it's just happened. Enjoy ded gaem, hey.

I'm feeling like I'm wasting my time here but ok, you wanted an opinion why these bu...features suck, why they are clumsy and annoying, you got it.

Fast relog needs another solution than Idling, then.
Any suggestions?

Wait a second.
As we can see the biggest issue here is not that you're getting Idling cooldown after logging into the game, the problem is that you get idler cooldown when entering a base/tent/guarded zone, this is what annoys players the most.
Fast relog is solved with the first thing. The second thing doesn't help in this case, it's probably for dealing with dual log.
But it indeed does need another solution. Idling should be... nerfed, not removed entirely. See first post.
I'd also like to hear what @avv and @greenthumb have to say about the situation @Kilgore mentioned. For me it's a huge argument against Idling as it is now... Do you disagree?
It's fine that you want to fight cheaters, it's just that the end should not justify the means... Honest players are affected too much.

Kilgore is most likely right when he said 60vs60 would not even be possible with iddler, it would be simply too hard to organize, even with 10+ players will automaticaly somebody fall into forced encounter no matter what. Still if you fall into encounter you are able to run out in 5-10s, then you may follow your mates. Yes its problem but i dont think that much significant,so it would make you win or loose the fight, especialy if players are using voice chat. Many times happened even before iddler, that somebody was just late and others had to wait him just becouse he forgot drugs or stims...Iam still not that skilled so i would be able teach lessons most of PVPers here, its my opinion, but i got strange feeling like something else than waiting problem is involved ;P

Also argument you ll get full 150s timer if you stay in base is bad. Becouse its made right this way, so you have to stand or dance on worldmap, trying not to fall in encounter and be prepaired for leader's order to spawn in town. If you refuse it and you ll stay in base, its not any surprise you have idler on you again. Btw you have 20 seconds in base free from timer, so thats enought or nearly enought to grab armor,hlemet, weapons, ammo ,SS or even some drugs from trunk of your car and run back to dance on worldmap again. Not any problem if you got prepaired gear in right place.

@Startion: thanks for offtopic, its nice to see player with an opinion.


--- Quote from: greenthumb on April 24, 2013, 01:25:05 am ---@Startion: thanks for offtopic, its nice to see player with an opinion.

--- End quote ---
I don't play FO: 2238 any more, but if you *really* want to hear my opinion so much, here you go.

Idler is obviously a feature that only a complete noob could consider anything other than retarded. Forced encounters during WM idling are no different. In fact, same goes for basically any other major feature that the FO: 2238 dev team have implemented over the past 15 months. The new mining is BS. The new crafting is major BS. The new PvE is a joke. The new trading is complete BS. Everything that used to work either got broken, nerfed, or removed.

Remember the new TC that everyone knew was broken almost the exact moment they tried it for the first time? They only reverted it to the old system when server population went down to 20-30 at all times.

Then there was the retarded extra-high AC cap. They only reverted it back to normal when nobody was willing to donate to the server, and it was either fixing the retarded AC or shutting the server down.

Idler is the next big blunder. They won't remove it until they're up against the wall again. Why? Because they're not interested in making the server better, they're interested in coming up with whatever random BS they can think of and mindlessly implementing it.

FO: 2238 is dead&gone. There are two great new-old servers out there, both in English: TLA mk2 (for those who like PvE/quests/RP), and FO: DE (for those who like PvP). Take your pick, and don't look back.


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