This suggestion is just so wrong in so many ways. (...) I just want to craft in peace ffs.
From what I read it's wrong only in that you probaly ate BPs with some wheel-chair
kind of character unable to do PvE and that you find paying the Gunrunners for ability
to craft high tier stuff in peace unappealing. I'm not really sure why, because there
are various ways to get caps (although there should be more ways to earn caps
no doubt), and the price can be easily adjusted to any value until we feel it's right but there
is only one way to haul suitcases and it's always boring as fuck.
Your "I would have to make new character" argument is pointless because:
1. I think we should make changes in obtaining BPs anyway, and maybe not only obtaining.
Not going to discuss it here now. Most people here are unable to think what's good for the
gameplay, instead they think what's good for the situation they are in or their style of play
that they got used to. Understandable, but maybe that's why you don't see devs discussing
here too often.
2. Even if we didn't make any changes in BPs, we can always wipe server in case of big
changes making
many characters obsolete. Don't think this is the case though.
3. It's not even any argument. Even if we didn't wipe server, I see no reason to hold up
changes because someone has a character that is not suitable for stuff that improves game,
as long as it doesn't happen too often. Looking at this from your POV for some changes there
is never a good time, because someone just leveled a character or spent caps for something or w/e.