Other > Gang Issues

Not every pker is the same........

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ok here go my pk story, i saw a noob once, and i killed him. I did it for the lulz  :-X


--- Quote from: the underground on April 24, 2013, 03:20:08 am ---No it was a pvp thing. THEY made it right....
Prsise people and you get bashed for it?

Oh wait diffrent story. I don't want to hear abot the tc thing.

--- End quote ---

TC timer anounce combat event inside town.You should simply not expect traders or roleplayers there, its simple and evident. If you are scout you have to be bashed, if you are troll you have to be bashed, if you are noob you should not enter until TC is over, otherway you might(should) be bashed awell. Maybe some people are not enought smart to just understand TC announcement, in that case there should be some dumbass feature to make certain people prevent entering the town.

the underground:
I was caught in the mines and trying to escape.
And... lotus is talking about the day before. All they did was blsme me for what they did. AND took my armor afterwards. Then I got killed the next day, but that group made it as right as they could, and that's what the original post was about, not the tc incidnet.

This one reminds me only one classic thingie...

-=228 APK=-

the underground:
It happened again last night, only this time, they knew who I was, so- before I'd even died- they told me to come back and get my gear!!!!!!!!
Mostly I'm laughing at this incident, a minor butt-hurt that I didn't get a warning they were about to start, but mostly amused; Next time they do this, I've threatened to accept it as a marriage proposal.


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