Other > Gang Issues

Not every pker is the same........

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Mike Crosser:
PKer is a pretty cool guy.

I feel sorry for the new people. Sure, I guess they must feel the pain of the wasteland, for here is not the disneyland. I usually say "welcome to the wasteland" when they ask me "why?" on ground. In exceptional cases I can return valuable things, depends on my mood haha. What I seek is even good pvp like said avv. I healed you because you came back many times, I was struck by the insistence. Good luck!

the underground:
Strange, I asked th same questtion, he answered "Mercy." Haven't seen THAT word used a lot.....
I get some people WAN to fight other players, and I may do that at some point. A fair fight is a fair fight is a fair fight, and everyone invovled in this incident were there of their own free will, I just got caught in the crossfire.
Did they make excses? Nope. They made it "as" right as possible. It may have been a case of target misidentification. It happens, I almost did it once (when a friend came running across the wastes without announcing himself).
And- As far as I know, nobody used a mini-gun. :/

the real story to what happend to this guy, there was a tc timer on broken hills, and he entered and got killed , because when there is tc timer everyone whos not in the same faction gets killed because you dont know if hes enemy scout or not or planning to kill you with his friends he came back twice got killed twice, till it got noticed that he was just a player trying to trade his stuff, anyways we scouted with our sneakers and he enterd again and i shot him, as first reaction, i then healed him and told him to get his stuff and leave because we was basicly scouting around trying to find the enimies see if they wil come back, then other guys in faction shot him because my mistake i didnt warn the others not  to shoot him , which was my bad but we left his stuff and let him loot it back and also other loot that was there , soo underground we didnt mean you no harm, next time you see that a faction is takeing a town please dont enter it because you will just get shot, not because the guys are pkers its just they gotta do it because we dont know if you are a enemy or not even with low hp you could be scouting, wait till tc timer is off and wait like 30 mins after that

the underground:
No it was a pvp thing. THEY made it right....
Prsise people and you get bashed for it?

Oh wait diffrent story. I don't want to hear abot the tc thing.


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