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Step Up And Dance With The Players

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--- Quote from: JovankaB on April 21, 2013, 08:05:40 am ---Scapegoating to please some angry mob? Disgusting. If you proposed this seriously, then you are a disgusting person, I'm sorry but there is no lighter way to put this. Even suggesting that anyone in the team would spend a second considering your proposal is an insult to those people. I would never want to work with anyone who thinks this way, and I must say I consider myself lucky that there are people in the team with more common sense than me. Otherwise maybe there would be such person around.

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Blizzard did it, worked like a charm for Diablo 3. I think you've mistaken stopping to work with a person for a while with a putting a bullet in said person's head... but given how emotional you guys are I probably shouldn't have expected more understanding than from a bunch of 14yo girls.

--- Quote from: JovankaB on April 21, 2013, 08:05:40 am ---On another note, I'm sorry but for the most part you don't know shit how the game is developed, who proposes what, who implemented what. Makes you angry? Well, even as GM I had very limited knowledge about it. I think it's bad, at least GMs should know more, but it's the reality. The difference is I didn't flap my mouth spewing some nonsense shit about other people, when I didn't know shit. And I don't do it now either, because it does no good and nobody is perfect, neither am I (especially not me). Only players are perfect, right? This goes to Roachor and a couple other people too.

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I've said it once, I'll say it again. I don't care. Actually, nobody cares. People associate most of the bad stuff with you and Wipe, because it fits how you and Wipe are perceived by the community. If you're mad about that, you should do something about it... but I don't think throwing tantrums is going to work, sorry.

--- Quote from: JovankaB on April 21, 2013, 08:05:40 am ---About player content. All content is appreciated, and there really was some content that required real effort and creativity from players, kudos to people who did that. It also gets some support from GMs if requested, if only it can be done in a fair way. Even SoT did some things, never heard about BBS, but hey - maybe you did. I don't know. But let's make something clear - just pwning other people to boost your ego and get items from box is not any "player content". Neither is making "alliance" because you are unable to pwn a bigger swarm of other players. All it is - it's just playing the friggin' game in the environment that we provided you, nothing more. Null. Don't make yourself a hero, because you play a friggin' game. You are the most effective, good for you. If not you, it will be someone else, as long as there are players around. And I'm not going to kiss anyones feet because they play a free MMO, ever, especially if they talk shit about me. Don't even try to compare it with hundreds (in case of many developers, thousands) of hours of actual *work*. If you don't see a difference between playing and working, even as a hobby - for example writing dialogs is working - in your case I think you should get the difference already.

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That's just laughable because in your case working is playing ("get lost, it's free, we do what we want because we like it"... and suddenly you're as serious about this game as a Japanese salary man?) and in the case of many players playing was working because fuck me if farming superstimpacks on BoS was any fun. The thing is that "pwning people" and engaging in faction politics is content. It's like a quest for other players and it proved to be more engaging than all of the predetermined stuff you've managed to implement since 2010 or even earlier.

I've never seen it from that perspective either, but it's one of the things that I've learned when I started playing EVE Online. It's a similar game when it comes to basic principles: full loot, hardcore gameplay, sandbox with little-to-none dev intervention, but it's flourishing because the devs and the players are actively supporting community-related ways of playing the game. It's the nessies who get bashed by the devs and the community for their failure to provide other players with some form of interaction and for using up server resources, not players who actually engage in a social network and create situations that force other players to respond with their actions. If you still have to ask yourself which approach is right, check out last week's Wasteland News. Oh wait, it's been out of business for months and somebody actually made a thread about being bombed in the NCR, because that's what counts as big deal around here right now.

The kind of attitude that's apparent in your post destroyed the social network people have been building (against all odds, I might add) for years. No more serious gangs, no more politics, no more content, no more recruitment, ded gaem. And no, people aren't going to replace us because there's no incentive to start playing like that anymore - it's just a casual Mad Max fantasy that gets boring once you can farm your own items with some degree of efficiency.

I've read the first post two or three times to see if there is anything offensive there. I failed to find it, except Solar being a joke as an economist.. well, Solar wasn't too bad anyway, I regret he's missing for some time, as he was probably the last remaining link between players and the devteam. Well, so there is nothing offensive in his post, yet all answers he receives is "you crap boat! you are disgusting". The fuck is wrong with you?

If after four years players don't know SHIT about how the game is developed, it's your own fault and I cannot understand how you couldn't notice it. To us little players, it looks like:

--- Code: ---Oh hey let's fix some bugs AAAAAAND put this stuff here and this stuff there. I bet they will like it!! They don't? What the fuck, players are dumb. Let's proceed with other things and if they keep whining, we don't give a crap
--- End code ---

There was actually a short time in 2010 when developers have established a contact (rotfl) with the community - and implemented town control exactly as players wanted. Too bad it wasn't followed by some quick bugfixes for exploits that have been found shortly, but it was still a viable solution for many, many months and big wars where sometimes more than 100 players took part in a single battle. Of course I don't expect you, jovanka, to like it, because to me you are just an NCR idler that was allowed to meddle with the game until those evil pwners boosting their egos find their way outta 2238. Just like an incurable cancer. But hey, it was once a faction mod and no one has ever stated that it's not going to be a faction mod anymore.

In fact, ever since 2009, no one has stated anything about what this game is going to be, but it's fine to emphasize the fact that players know SHIT about how the game is made so they should finally SHUT UP and keep playing or kkthxbye.

And yeah, we really appreciate hundreds of actual *work* that eventually led to the exodus of like 1/2 the _remaining_ playerbase which made the game unplayable for everyone except those playing single player FOnline: 2238. Maybe you see it as progress, but sorry, player counter is merciless - dozens or even hundreds? of players aren't more wrong than you.

Btw if your hobby does hurt you, pass it to those who enjoy it. No one is irreplaceable, they say. It's difficult to understand  why don't you just leave it to those who will bother - maybe this:

--- Quote ---The problem obviously is, knowing is not doing. And from personal experience, there is a lot of hesitation(of various sorts) when it comes down to making decisions. Now from just these two sentences you can realize what is wrong.
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is a source of all problems?


--- Quote ---Btw if your hobby does hurt you, pass it to those who enjoy it.
--- End quote ---

Sigh... primitive straw man argument.
I never said that it hurts me, but maybe - just maybe - it (butt-) hurts you?

But me... not at all. I enjoy developing 2238. Don't you worry about it, it's great fun. I learned, and
I can still learn a lot (which I enjoy), the people I can work with are absolutely amazing. I must say
I'm grateful for that opportunity. I enjoyed doing GM stuff, and compared to that, developing is 10
times better. It's like moving from a car to a spaceship. I can put many of my ideas directly in the
game, like I did with the new mining or the smart cursor recently. I fixed many bugs that were the
most annoying for me as a player, for example the fact that you could drive to WM in a car without
fuel, or colorizing in the Hinkley, or wrong aiming % with keybinds and dozens of others. It's amazing.

I'm convinced that I made the game better in some fields, and I didn't make it worse in any. Seriously.
I would be worried if negative feedback was some rational feedback, but honestly, it's just barking.

Getting (mostly positive, but I appreciate criticism if it holds any water) rational feedback is great.
Reading irrational bullshit and pure nonsense hate on the forum from a bunch of loudmouths is a small
price, and... to be honest I can simply choose not to read it, but somehow I just can't help myself.
Maybe in the end I enjoy it as well? :)

Lots of people *leaving* your game isn't any feedback for ya? Jesus. It's just fact, not some irrational bullshit. I've been talking with many people on our teamspeak and almost every one of them says the same: 2238 got definitely worse, switching to tlamk2 because it is being developed *better* and it's actually playable. Hardly any of them plays 2238 anymore. On the other side, you have SOT's teamspeak also with many players, maszrum said the same - people aren't satisfied with what you've been doing with 2238. You must be deaf to some people and listening only to your few favorite NCR idlers then.
I know dozens of people that aren't happy with what you are doing... at all. Ofc they are all barking, but as I said earlier: dozens (or even hundreds) of players can't be more wrong than you.

Well, I always knew you're living in your own world, maybe you should sometimes make a contact with...you know... the outside world :P

Hmm, I've got a feeling that I'm just wasting my time here, trying to talk with a concrete wall, sooo... have fun doing your amazing work.

Well, yes if you claim it's my fault that a bunch of people have more fun in another game, then it's barking. Sorry.


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