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Step Up And Dance With The Players

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--- Quote from: Roachor on April 20, 2013, 06:17:39 pm ---Jovanka wasn't the problem she was a symptom of it. Fonline has long suffered from GM's with terrible ideas (lexx, surf, jov) that get listened to purely because they are in the "inner circle" despite these people not know the first thing about successful game design. The rotators themselves are so divorced from the community they could be dead for a year before anyone found out. All the good suggestions get crapped on and the terrible suggestions get listened to. This is why after years the game has less content than animal crossing and honestly should just be aborted so they don't inflict poor randoms looking for a cool f2 mmo with this shit before they find out about the other servers. Jovanka's borderline trolling "changes to the game" is just what happens when the smart people don't give a shit and hand the game over to whatever no-life is dumb enough to work for free for years on a terrible project.

--- End quote ---

It's funny you mention me, because I have never had a say on any new feautures etc. neither did I want to. If two new music tracks and some minor dialogues are "ruining" the game for you, then yes, I am guilty of it. Even funnier that you mention Lexx, since he was always part of the core dev team from the very beginning.

Is it time for Satan's great Spring Ball again?
In any case, I guess since it's Captain Obvious thread, I could add some obvious stuff myself as well.
Nice_Boat! I see what you're saying, but, apart from number 4 (which is quite a shit thing to do and to write/say, and I'll get to it later) and number 8 (which has a "little" dent, as in, it's not if. People were hostile. The reason why however is not topic of discussion here), the things you wrote about are quite apparent (or I hope they are) to many in the team.
The problem obviously is, knowing is not doing. And from personal experience, there is a lot of hesitation(of various sorts) when it comes down to making decisions. Now from just these two sentences you can realize what is wrong.
Aand that's all for me to say on obvious part I guess. And I probably never reply here again unless something cool happens.

I hope I'm not russian this thread into any serious conversation, to make up for that I just gonna go for a ride and write few words of hmm, call it offtopic.
Just so not to write a lot of stuff I'll make this short: HF goes to Wichura, "Really?" look goes to Roachor, Willy Wonka goes to Alvarez
Now the number four. That shit is not cool. Scapegoating is the thing you don't want to do ever, unless you're mental, but then it's your problem. The reasons why are many, from the practical things like people discovering that said scapegoat is back on track to moral ones like such action being simply shit.
But you NB take cake not with this, you take it at failing number 8 yourself. Now, do I have to quote every single bullshit said only here by players or will you wake up yourself? And to prevent further brain rot on this topic of love/hate I have to add that blaming anyone here for this is too late. Devs let the players grow on forum like this, and players grew on this, that is as simple as it gets. You can blame anyone for shit and giggles, but it will not bring you anywhere.
Nevertheless it was hilarious to read when you pulled out gender issues out of the blue and start waving with them here, that doesn't mean you get bonus points for that though. Honestly, I can end it only with rhetorical question of what the fuck is wrong with you?
Kinda bad to finish this on depressing note but fuck me, I can't handle so much love floating in the air here.

Cheesey Dean:
This thread is further evidence that 2238 as a game is doomed. The guy makes decent suggestions, and the dev COMPLETELY IGNORES them and proceeds to insult him for no clear reason.

Show's over here folks. Move on to TLAMK2 like everyone else is doing, and let the devs brood over "their game, not the player's" as it dies.

the underground:

--- Quote from: Wipe on April 19, 2013, 10:15:26 pm --- I was never hiding that, so duh?
I was never hiding this either.

--- End quote ---

Scapegoating to please some angry mob? Disgusting. If you proposed this seriously, then you are a disgusting person, I'm sorry but there is no lighter way to put this. Even suggesting that anyone in the team would spend a second considering your proposal is an insult to those people. I would never want to work with anyone who thinks this way, and I must say I consider myself lucky that there are people in the team with more common sense than me. Otherwise maybe there would be such person around.

On another note, I'm sorry but for the most part you don't know shit how the game is developed, who proposes what, who implemented what. Makes you angry? Well, even as GM I had very limited knowledge about it. I think it's bad, at least GMs should know more, but it's the reality. The difference is I didn't flap my mouth spewing some nonsense shit about other people, when I didn't know shit. And I don't do it now either, because it does no good and nobody is perfect, neither am I (especially not me). Only players are perfect, right? This goes to Roachor and a couple other people too.

About player content. All content is appreciated, and there really was some content that required real effort and creativity from players, kudos to people who did that. It also gets some support from GMs if requested, if only it can be done in a fair way. Even SoT did some things, never heard about BBS, but hey - maybe you did. I don't know. But let's make something clear - just pwning other people to boost your ego and get items from box is not any "player content". Neither is making "alliance" because you are unable to pwn a bigger swarm of other players. All it is - it's just playing the friggin' game in the environment that we provided you, nothing more. Null. Don't make yourself a hero, because you play a friggin' game. You are the most effective, good for you. If not you, it will be someone else, as long as there are players around. And I'm not going to kiss anyones feet because they play a free MMO, ever, especially if they talk shit about me. Don't even try to compare it with hundreds (in case of many developers, thousands) of hours of actual *work*. If you don't see a difference between playing and working, even as a hobby - for example writing dialogs is working - in your case I think you should get the difference already.


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