Other > Faction Announcements

Searching for wood.. ehm faction.

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--- Quote from: Tomowolf on April 29, 2013, 05:22:04 pm ---Sorry to admit this, but I cannot play with The Invicible Gladiators anymore, there are few consiting problems:
- No voice chat
- Different time zones
- Not being active faction

So I resigned from the bases, hoping for another faction which will be more suitable for me.

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Good luck in finding someone else.

I'm changing my destination then : I can help anyone in PvE, PvP, or join some newbies and help them standing on their feet.
If you're from other countries than Poland, don't worry, I'll still help ya.


--- Quote from: Tomowolf on April 29, 2013, 07:52:53 pm ---I'm changing my destination then : I can help anyone in PvE, PvP, or join some newbies and help them standing on their feet.
If you're from other countries than Poland, don't worry, I'll still help ya.

--- End quote ---
But I'm from Silesia. Will you help me?


--- Quote from: Senocular on April 29, 2013, 09:37:23 pm ---But I'm from Silesia. Will you help me?

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Not enough coal in stock.


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